glug: OSS 2005

Marco Scotto
Gio 25 Nov 2004 10:35:05 CET

OSS 2005
The First International Conference on Open Source Systems Genova, July 11 - 15, 2005
Submissions of papers or of extended abstracts are solicited for the "First International Conference on Open Source Systems, OSS2005", to be held in Genova, Italy from the 11th to the 15th of July 2005.
Open Source Software (OSS) development has emerged in the last decades as one of the most important phenomenon of computer science and engineering. It has been instrumental for education and research in the Academia, providing free access to essential tools, such as compilers, word processors, spreadsheets, etc, it has changed the way people perceive the software business, and it has often kept the software market away from monopolies. As such, a deep understanding of OSS requires the understanding of a wide spectrum of issues.
The goal of OSS2005 is be a holistic forum on OSS where to convey people interested in OSS and coming from a widely
diverse background.
Therefore, OSS2005 will be a forum to discuss theories, practices, experiences, and tools on development and applications of OSS systems, with specific focus on two aspects:
   (a) the development of open source systems and the
       underlying technical, social, and economics issue
   (b) the adoption of OSS solutions and the implications of such
       adoption both in the public and in the private sector.
OSS2005 will bring together people from industry, public administration, and academia to share experiences and ideas and to provide an archival source for important papers on open source topics.
The conference is also meant to provide information and education to practitioners, identify directions for further research, and to be an ongoing platform for technology transfer.
The conference will consist of technical presentations, panels, poster sessions, workshops, tutorials, PhD and an Open Educational Symposium.

The conference will stress practical applications and implications of OSS. Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
- Foundations and rationale of Open Source Software
- Licensing issues in OSS
- Tools and infrastructures for OSS Development
- Open Source Software and eGovernment
- Open Source and Open Knowledge
- Knowlegde management in OSS
- Business models and OSS
- Impact of OSS on social networks
- Documentation of OSS
- Cost and economic models of OSS
- OSS and Agile Methodologies
- Scalability issues
- Education and training
- Introduction of OSS in companies and Public Administrations
- Empirical analysis of OSS
- Case studies and experiments
- Legal issues in OSS
- Other aspects of OSS
* Submissions of papers or extended abstracts: January 15, 2005
* Submissions of proposals for tutorials: January 31, 2005
* Submissions of proposals for workshops: January 31, 2005
* Submissions of proposals for panels: January 31, 2005
* Submissions of proposals for demos of OSS tools: January 31, 2005
* Notification of acceptance: February 28, 2005
* Submission of abstracts for the Open Educational Symposium: March 1, 2005
* Notification of accept. for the Open Educational Symposium: March 15,2005
* Submission of research plans for the PhD symposium: March 1, 2005
* Notification of acceptance for the PhD symposium: March 15, 2005
* All final manuscripts ready in final version: April 1, 2005
* Pre-registration ends:  April 15, 2005
*Papers or Extended Abstracts for the Conference and the Open Educational Symposium* Papers must be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors must clearly explain the contribution of the work in terms of its theoretical and/or practical value and relationship to previous work. Submissions must be full papers of about 3000-4000 words, or extended abstracts of about 1000-1500 words, in English. Full papers should contain an abstract, a list of keywords, and a list of references, extended abstract should contain a list of keywords.
Note: for the Open Educational Symposium only extended abstracts are requested.
*Proposals for tutorials, workshops or panels* Proposals for tutorials, workshops or panels are limited to one A4 page. They should clearly evidence the relevance of the proposal for OSS2004, and the contribution it could convey to the event.
Each submission should have as attachment a one page bio of each tutorial presenter (for tutorials), of each organizer (for workshops), and of the moderator and of each panelists (for panels). For panel proposals, please ensure in advance that the suggested panelists have agreed to attend the conference.
*Proposals for demos of OSS tools*
A proposal for a demo of an OSS tool is limited to one A4 page describing the tool, one A4 page detailing existing users of the tool, plus up to 6 A4 pages with screenshots evidencing how the tool works.
*Research Plans for the PhD symposium*
A submission to the PhD symposium should be limited to three A4 pages organized as follow:
1. One page on the background of the research proposal 2. One page on the motivation for the research 3. One page on the foreseen research method
*Submission Process*
Submissions should be sent as a PDF email attachments to Marco Scotto (
Submissions should be formatted as follows:
- A4 Pages, single column
- 12pt Times Roman
- Research plans should have a list of references at the end
*Inclusion in Conference Proceedings*
The conference proceedings will include:
- Full papers
- Panels positions (up to 2 pages for each panel)
- Summary of workshops (up to one page per workshop)
- Outlines of tools (up to one page per tool)
If accepted, the papers should be then produced according to the guidelines that will be supplied by the publisher.

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