glug: message from Jose Kasenda

jose kasenda
Ven 1 Apr 2005 14:24:45 CEST

Telephone: +31 62 6606817 
My name is Jose Kasenda. I am the only surviving son of the late Dr. M’Pinga Kasenda who died in a most unfortunate plane crash. Before his death, he was the Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Zaire during the reign of the late Mobutu Sese Seko . As you might be aware, there is a new government in my country headed by the son of the Late Laurent Kabila who is bent on bringing down anyone associated with the Late Mobutu Sese Seko as a result of which all of my father’s funds and properties has been frozen and confiscated while we are being prosecuted at the same time. In order to avoid further prosecution, I and my mother have had to seek refugee status in The Netherlands as a result of the fact that my father had previously secretly deposited the sum of US$15,000,000 (Fifteen Million United States Dollars) with a private security firm in the same country nominating me as his next of kin. I am please to state that we have met with the security firm and confirmed the existence of the fund waiting to be claimed by me or any of my pointed representatives. However, we have decided that we do not want to bring this matter to the attention of the Dutch authority as a result of our past as well as our application to be granted refugee status for now. Thus we have decided to solicit for your assistance to act as our investment/financial adviser in order for us to nominate you as our representative and get the fund released to you if you will be capable of receiving the fund on our behalf. Should you be interested in this offer, we are willing to offer you 20% of our inheritance, set aside 5% for whatever incurred expenses/reimbursement while we will depend on your advise in investing the remaining 75% on our behalf. We will be happy to provide all the necessary information that is required and work hand in hand with you towards releasing the fund to you upon a positive response from you. I will appreciate your acknowledgement via phone or e-mail. 
Yours truly 
Jose Kasenda 

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