glug: Exhibit Quote

Mark A. Wong
Mer 17 Ago 2005 05:54:01 CEST

Trade Show Display & Design Search Engine; The Exhibit Network is under referral 
with well over 120 of the finest designer's and display fabrication houses, and 
that is only mentioning those here in the US. 

*Banner Stands
*Portable Displays
*10x10 Displays
*8' Displays
*6' Displays
*Table Tops
*Table Throws
*Back Drops
*Fab Pops
*Aluminum Systems
*Truss Systems
*Custom Exhibit
*Modular Displays

The Exhibit Network will put you in contact with "1" Exhibit house. We pretty 
much work with everyone, the people on E-Bay; the exhibit houses on the internet; 
and yes even the good ol mom and pop's that just produce a great exhibit. 

Please fill me in on the "type & size" exhibit/display you will be needing, and 
the timeline of this project, and we will work "for you". Only "1" house will 
contact you; not with a sales approach; "BUT WITH A DISCOUNTED QUOTE".

Yes, you heard right. I create a special programs department with each display 
company, and they are contracted to offer you a lower than normal discounted 
price. We call it a Rebate. 

Sincerely Yours, 

Mark Allen Wong-
President, CEO
The Exhibit Network

*all quote will be help in strict confidence. To receive quote or decline please 

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