glug: [MDK] Doppia Connesione

Ivan Porro
Ven 18 Feb 2005 13:30:53 CET

[root@localhost ste]# man ifconfig

       ifconfig - configure a network interface

       ifconfig [interface]
       ifconfig interface [aftype] options | address ...

       Ifconfig  is used to configure the kernel-resident network
       interfaces.  It is used at boot time to set up  interfaces
       as  necessary.  After that, it is usually only needed when
       debugging or when system tuning is needed.

       If no arguments are given, ifconfig displays the status of
       the  currently  active  interfaces.NAME
       route - show / manipulate the IP routing table

e magari anche:

[root@localhost ste]# man route

       route - show / manipulate the IP routing table

       route [-CFvnee]

       route  [-v]  [-A  family] add [-net|-host] target [netmask
              Nm] [gw Gw] [metric N] [mss M] [window W] [irtt  I]
              [reject] [mod] [dyn] [reinstate] [[dev] If]

       route  [-v]  [-A  family]  del [-net|-host] target [gw Gw]
              [netmask Nm] [metric N] [[dev] If]

       route  [-V] [--version] [-h] [--help]

       Route manipulates the kernel's  IP  routing  tables.   Its
       primary  use  is to set up static routes to specific hosts
       or networks via an interface after it has been  configured
       with the ifconfig(8) program.

       When  the  add or del options are used, route modifies the
       routing tables.  Without these options, route displays the
       current contents of the routing tables.

[root@localhost ste]# ifconfig
[root@localhost ste]# route

che distribuzione hai? hai iptables abilitato?

# ifconAlle Friday 18 February 2005 13:16, Stefano Arrighi ha scritto:
> michele tavella wrote:
> >posteresti l'output di ifconfig???
> >
> >michele
> MICHE?!?
> Nessun output:
> [root@localhost ste]# ifconfig eth1 netmask up
> [root@localhost ste]#
> Ah, una precisazione. Il fatto che "perda" la connessione è qualcosa che
> io suppongo dal fatto che Firefox, Gaim ed Azureus non riescano a
> connettersi e, se già connessi,  perdono la connessione.
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