glug: Condivisione dir (esempio nfs)

Marco De Benedetto
Mer 23 Feb 2005 15:18:19 CET

On Wed 23 Feb, Francesco Donadon wrote:
> * Marco De Benedetto <> [220205, 21:18]:
> > $ sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start
> > 
> > opp.: 
> > $ sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-user-server start
> > 
> > a seconda del server nfs che hai deciso di installare.
> Cosa cambia alla fine tra le due soluzioni?
> È solo una questione di performance (immagino che in kernel mode sia
> più veloce)?
Non solo di prestazioni, apt-cache show ti spiega un po' di differenze:

Description: Kernel NFS server support
 Use this package if you have a fairly recent kernel (2.2.13 or better)
 and you want to use the kernel-mode NFS server.  The user-mode NFS
 server in the "nfs-user-server" package is slower but more featureful
 and easier to debug than the kernel-mode server.

Description: User space NFS server
 This package contains all necessary programs to make your Linux machine
 act as an NFS server, being an NFS daemon (rpc.nfsd), a mount daemon
 Unlike other NFS daemons, this NFS server runs entirely in user space.
 This makes it a tad slower than other NFS implementations, and also
 introduces some awkwardnesses in the semantics (for instance, moving a
 file to a different directory will render its file handle invalid).
 There is currently no support for file locking.


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