glug: HELLO

relief inter
Gio 14 Lug 2005 12:16:42 CEST

Relief International has worked to improve the quality of life for
people in need. We focus on health  by providing essential material
resources to locally run health programs in poor areas around the world
during times of disaster.
Direct Relief International is a non-profit, non-political, and
non-sectarian organization that provides assistance without regard to
ethnicity, political or religious affiliation, gender, or ability to
We are committed to making every dollar count – less than 1% of our
support goes to administrative and fundraising expenses.
We are in need of a trust worthy representative that is willing to
assist in the disbursement of fund through their local area. However,
are expected to collect fund from well meaning citizens who are willing
to donate for relief services. You will be paid 5% to 10% commission on
every transaction. Relief International will discuss all modalities for
Please contact
Rev. Handzer Smith Jr.

Email address :
Phone Number : +44 7005-976-287

We appreciate all your support and assistance.
Remain blessed.
Rev. Peterson A.
Public Relations Officer.
Relief International.

Office Notice

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