sk skystar su linux

Lun 20 Feb 2006 17:06:38 CET

Ciao a tutti
per conoscenza ho installato una sk skystar2 pci 2.6d su una asus a8n-e 
cpu athlon64 3200+ con linux ma il risultato e' stato negativo.
Vi trasmetto la risposta della techsat


it seems, that the nVidia nForce 4 based mainboards have problems with the
TechniSat DVB-PC TV Stars devices and you cannot install the drivers to the
system. We know this problem and we are currently analyzing this behaviour
of your hardware/software in combination with the nVidia nForce 4 chipset.

Currently we cannot provide any solution for your problem.

If there are any further questions, read the FAQ, which is enclosed to this
mail or feel free to contact the technical support again using the support
email address .

Best regards

Support Team

Sperando di non essere stato OT
saluti bruno

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