tremendous growth on OTC, overwhelmingly important message

Tyler Hines
Mer 14 Giu 2006 20:31:40 CEST

Ever thought about how crucial fast communication is for a trader? You need market facts delivered to you firsthand and at the speed of light. Don’t think that’s impossible. Some of these are right here!

Get C T X E . P K First Thing Today
This Is Going To Explode! 

C T X E . P K - C a n t e x E n e r g y C o r p
Global score: Excellent|
Mean Recommendation: Srtong Byu|
Investor Action:Buy Fats|
Current Price: $0.51 Get it Now!

Befroe we strat wtih the porfile of C T X E . P K we wuold lkie to mention

something vrey imporatnt: Tehre is a Big PR Cmapaign strating tihs week .

And it wlil go all week so it wuold be bset to get in Nwo.

Company Profile:
C a n t e x E n e r g y C o r proation is an indepednent, maanged riks, oil and gas exploraiton, deevlopment, and productoin cmopany hedaquartered in San Atnonio, Texsa.

Recent News:
C a n t e x E n e r g y C o r p. (C T X E . P K - Nesw) annuonced taht the sesimic crwes hvae been mobilzied and the 40 mlies of sesimic wrok has commecned on the Big Caynon Propsect targteing the esatern Val Vrede Bsain. The cerw strated operatinos on Frdiay Jnue 2 2006. Tehy hvae been mvoing oevr the terrain better tahn expecetd and the fisrt of there liens shuold be complteed by weeks edn. Dtaa tehn wlil be snet off for prcoessing taknig 3 to 4 weesk. The eatsern Val Vedre Baisn is viweed by indsutry exeprts as pehraps one of the Lwoer 4'8s msot under-exploerd, proevn gas prvoinces.

Trcae Maurni, Preisdent of C a n t e x E n e r g y C o r p., sttaed, "hTe Val Vrede Bsain offres a significatn, unedr-explored nautral gas reosurce opportnuity for new and emegring layesr. The seisimc dtaa avialable currently beocmes a distnict comeptitive adavntage to eavluate waht has not been seen befoer. Three are at lesat a dzoen actvie palyers in the bsain now and an unknwon nubmer of addtiional playres lkiely awatiing smoe incetnive or oppprtunity to gian a cmopetitive avdantage, and we beileve taht our geopyhsical exprets at Porvidence Tecnhologies hvae the capabiltiy and expertsie to prvoide us taht avdantage. Nedeless-to-say, we are anxiosuly looikng fowrard to the ongiong seimsic dtaa repotrs oevr the nxet sveeral week.s"

For more information, refer to the entire news for the company announced on June 6.

The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little Known Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Familiar with This. Is C T X E . P K Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... 
And Please Watch this One Trade tomorrow! Go C T X E . P K.

To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world  Where there's smoke, there's.. pollution. You do well to believe in God Satan also believes and trembles 
Nah one time a fire mek peas boil. When distrust enters in at the foregate, love goes out at the postern  Never make a mountain out of a molehill - The mountain will arrive soon enough  Flies never visit an egg that has no crack 

A soft answer turneth away wrath. Clothes make a man
Handsome is as handsome does No matter how long a log stays in the water it does not become a crocodile  It is a long lane that has no turning

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