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Gio 22 Giu 2006 06:01:48 CEST

Degree - advancement

Fa st Trac k Degre e Progr am

Obtain the degr ee you deserve, based on your present knowledge and life
experience. A prosperous future, money earning power, and the Admiration of all.

Degre es from an Established, Prestigi ous, Leading Institution.
Your de gree will show exactly what you really can do.

Get the Job, Promotion, Business Opportunity and Social Advancement you Desire!
Eliminates classrooms and traveling.

Achieve your Bache lors, Master s, M BA, or Ph D
in the field of your expertise.

Professional and affordable! Call now - your Gradua tion is a phone call away.

Please call:
Calls returned promptly

Fools seldom differ. Never stand on the tail of a hedgehog after midnight All lay loads on a willing horse! Never make a mountain out of a molehill - The mountain will arrive soon enough  Let bygones be bygones If you educate a man you educate an individual but if you educate a woman you educate a family  Once seen never forgotten

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