Romero Jackson
Lun 13 Mar 2006 09:27:59 CET

added, turning to Ivan :
     'Good morning! '
     'Hello, you quack! ' said Ivan, loudly and viciously.
     Ryukhin  was so  embarrassed that  he  dared  not  raise  his eyes. The
courteous doctor, however, showed no signs  of offence and with a  practised
gesture took off  his spectacles, lifted the skirt  of his overall, put them
in his hip pocket and then asked Ivan:
     'How old are you? '
     'Go to hell! ' shouted Ivan rudely and turned away.
     'Why are  you being so disagreeable?  Have  I said anything to  upset
     'I'm twenty-three,'  said  Ivan excitedly, ' and I'm  going to lodge a
complaint against all of you--and you in particular, you louse! ' He spat at
     'What will your complaint be? '
     'That you arrested  me, a perfectly healthy man, and forcibly dragged
me off to the madhouse! ' answered Ivan in fury.
     At this  Ryukhin took a  close look at Ivan and felt  a chill  down his
spine  : there was not a trace of insanity in the man's eyes.  They had been
slightly clouded at Griboyedov, but now they were as clear as before.

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