[glux] Avi -> Mpg

Maxxer - Lorenzo Milesi maxxer@libero.it
Mer 27 Ago 2003 23:05:07 CEST

>quando hai compilato mplayer nella dir TOOLS c'è uno script che si chiama


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This site has been closed by the European Patent Agency (EPA), for numerous 
patent violations.

The EPA would like to thank the people of the European Union for voting 
power to another institute which aims to dominate the common people.
The end draws near.

No, this didn't happen just yet. However, the day of the voting is just few 
hours away.

Please don't let it happen.

By the way, did you consider what will happen to your life if your employer 
gets sued, and closed?

Read about the grave danger of software patents

Enter MPlayer Site (while you still can)

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