[glux] Ubuntu lite
Marco Giumelli
Mer 29 Nov 2006 12:57:23 CET
nUbuntu è una live di Ubuntu con fluxbox come desktop, pensata per
testare la sicurezza delle reti.
dal sito riporto:
/The main goal of nUbuntu is to create a distribution which is derived
from the Ubuntu distribution, and add packages related to security
testing, and remove unneeded packages, such as Gnome, Openoffice.org,
and Evolution. nUbuntu is the result of an idea two people had to create
a new distribution for the learning experience. Many people ask, "What
makes it better than *X*?", or "Why should I use this over *Y*". Our
answer to this question is, we do not think about whether people are
using it or not. We are more concerned about the learning process. If
you want to try something with a clean interface, fast, and an excellent
range of programs please don't hesitate to download nUbuntu./
Come browser ha firefox, per il resto non so cosa ha installato...
WillY wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 11:45:23AM +0100, Marco Giumelli wrote:
>> Io ho provato a installare nUbuntu su un P3 800. Va che è una scheggia.
> cos'e' nUbuntu? (sono pigro e non ho tempo di guardare in internet)
> ciao
> P.S. mi serve un text editor (abiword e' perfetto), web e posta,
> tutto qui.
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