[hack] DAC960: e' nato!
Sab 24 Maggio 2003 23:06:27 CEST
Salve ragazzi,
sono a darvi una notizia bruttina... sul sito di riferimento della scheda
e' riportato che il driver linux di tale scheda e' stato ottimizzato per
performance> sui dischi evitando <ridicoli spargimenti di codice> per
la compatibilita' con dispositivi a basse performance...
in soldoni ci dice che ci si puo' attaccare solo i dischi!!!
il suggerimento e' quindi di dare le macchine che non hanno l'IDE in coppia
almeno un'altra che ce l'ha... previa rimozione del cd SCSI.
Adesso mi concentro sulla parte grafica... Fabio mi ha dato il riferimento
driver S3 virge ma quei chip sono S3 trio64... quindi provo a montare xfree3
togliendo il 4.
saluto riportando un estratto della pagina del DAC960...
The DAC960 RAID controllers are supported solely as high performance RAID
controllers, not as interfaces to arbitrary SCSI devices. The Linux DAC960
driver operates at the block device level, the same level as the SCSI and
drivers. Unlike other RAID controllers currently supported on Linux, the
DAC960 driver is not dependent on the SCSI subsystem, and hence avoids all
complexity and unnecessary code that would be associated with an
as a SCSI driver. The DAC960 driver is designed for as high a performance
possible with no compromises or extra code for compatibility with lower
performance devices. The DAC960 driver includes extensive error logging and
online configuration management capabilities. Except for initial
of the controller and adding new disk drives, most everything can be handled
from Linux while the system is operational.
The DAC960 driver is architected to support up to 8 controllers per system.
Each DAC960 parallel SCSI controller can support up to 15 disk drives per
channel, for a maximum of 60 drives on a four channel controller; the fibre
channel eXtremeRAID 3000 controller supports up to 125 disk drives per loop
a total of 250 drives. The drives installed on a controller are divided
one or more "Drive Groups", and then each Drive Group is subdivided further
into 1 to 32 "Logical Drives". Each Logical Drive has a specific RAID Level
and caching policy associated with it, and it appears to Linux as a single
block device. Logical Drives are further subdivided into up to 7 partitions
through the normal Linux and PC disk partitioning schemes. Logical Drives
also known as "System Drives", and Drive Groups are also called "Packs".
terms are in use in the Mylex documentation; I have chosen to standardize on
the more generic "Logical Drive" and "Drive Group".
DAC960 RAID disk devices are named in the style of the Device File System
(DEVFS). The device corresponding to Logical Drive D on Controller C is
referred to as /dev/rd/cCdD, and the partitions are called /dev/rd/cCdDp1
through /dev/rd/cCdDp7. For example, partition 3 of Logical Drive 5 on
Controller 2 is referred to as /dev/rd/c2d5p3. Note that unlike with SCSI
disks the device names will not change in the event of a disk drive failure.
The DAC960 driver is assigned major numbers 48 - 55 with one major number
controller. The 8 bits of minor number are divided into 5 bits for the
Drive and 3 bits for the partition.
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