[hack] Software GPL per chi scrive racconti o documenti complessi

Hal hal@linux.it
Dom 3 Gen 2010 20:51:46 CET

Non l'ho provato ma sembra parecchio bello.


> Open Source Novel Writing Software for Novelists, Authors and Creative
> Writers
> Storybook is a free (open source) novel-writing tool for creative
> writers, novelists and authors which will help you to keep an overview
> of multiple plot-lines while writing books, novels or other written
> works.
> Storybook assists you in structuring your book. Store all information
> about your characters and locations in one place. Then, use the
> included Storybook features for managing chapters, scenes, characters
> and locations. A simple interface is provided to enable you to assign
> your defined characters and locations to each scene and to keep an
> overview of your work with user-friendly chart tools.

Se qualcuno lo testa ci faccia sapere.

Hal <hal@linux.it>
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