[Golem] GNU/Linux: PHLAK (Professional Hacker's Linux Assault Kit)
Dom 15 Feb 2004 01:12:30 CET
Ciao a tutti
Vi segnalo questa distribuzione GNU/Linux: PHLAK (Professional Hacker's Linux Assault Kit) basata su Morphix che ho trovato ieri in edicola su Linux Magazine di questo mese. Sul sito ufficiale del progetto (http://www.phlak.org/modules/news/)
si legge chiaramente:
PHLAK is a modular live security Linux distribution. PHLAK comes with two light gui's (fluxbox and XFCE4), many security tools, and a spiral notebook full of security documentation. PHLAK is a derivative of Morphix, created by Alex de Landgraaf.
...Per quanto riguarda i tool per la sicurezza:
Debian Packages:
aide, airsnort, amap, argus-client, argus-server, arpd, arping, arpwatch, autopsy, bfbtester, biew, bing, cabextract, cflow, cheops, chkrootkit, chntpw, cracklib2, cryptcat, darkstat, dlint, dnswalk, driftnet, dsniff, echoping, etherape, ethereal, ethereal-commo, ethereal-dev, ettercap-commo, ettercap-gtk, farpd, fenris, flawfinder, fping, fragroute, fragrouter, freeswan, ftp-ssl, gdb, gnupg, gtkrecover, hammerhead, hping2, httptunnel, httpush, hunt, icmpinfo, icmpush, idswakeup, ipchains, iproute, iptraf, iputils-ping, irpas, isic, john, kismet, l2tpd, lde, libcrypt-blowf, libcrypt-cbc-p, libcrypt-ciphe, libcrypt-crack, libcrypt-gpg-p, libcrypt-hcesh, libcrypt-passw, libcrypt-rijnd, libcrypt-smbha, libcrypt-sslea, libcrypt-unixc, libcrypto++-de, libcrypto++-ut, libcrypto++5, lsof, ltrace, macchanger, mtr, nasm, nast, nbtscan, nemesis, nessus, nessus-plugins, nessusd, netsed, ngrep, nikto, nmap, nmapfe, nstreams, ntop, openssl, p0f, packit, paketto, partimage, pnscan, pptpd, rarpd, recover, scanssh, scli, secpanel, sendip, sing, sleuthkit, smb-nat, socat, spikeprox, splint, ssh, ssh-askpass-gn, ssldump, strace, stunnel, stunnel4, sudo, tcpdump, tcpflow, tcpreplay, tcpslice, tcptrace, tethereal, transproxy, tsocks, valgrind, wipe
Hand-compiled Packages
01-sdi-brutus-eng.pl, ADM-SAMBA-CLIENT, ADMsnmp, SPIKE, WAP_Assessment, babelweb, cmospwd, dcetest, dcfldd, dd_rescue, ddb-sfe, di, domainobsencontroll, fatback, ffp, grenzgaenger, hackbot, hellkit, hjksuite, hydra, ipsorc, isnprober, itunnel, lcrzeox, lj, login_hacker, mac-robber, manipulate_data, md5deep, memfetch, netcat(compiled statically with Big-Gaping Security Hole), numby, obiwan, objobf, ol2mbox, onesixtyone, pandora-linux, photorec, pwl9x, rda, redir, reverb, revinetd, samba-tng, sara, screamingCobra, secure_delete, sharefuzz, shiva, slogdump, snapscreenshot, tarballz, tct, thcrut, tnef, vmap, walker, wardrive, whisker, zylyx
Windows Packages (using wine)
achillies, AINTX, brutus, THC-CUPASS, ispy, nbtdump, photorec, md5deep, pdd
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