[Golem] vi piace?
Dom 31 Ott 2004 11:53:13 CET
> On Thursday 28 October 2004, alle 22:15, Alberto wrote:
> > Che ne pensate?
> >
> > http://www.linuxdocs.org/HOWTOs/Ecology-HOWTO-9.html
> >
dice che lunxdoc.org non e' raggiungibile, cmq google a' ns. amico.
versione 0.10 del 22/11/2003
gli ho dato un'occhiato e ho trovato cose piuttosto molto carine ed
interessanti, ma questa cosa qui e' a dir poco
_S T E L L A R E ! ! ! ! _
>Linux BadRAM Patch
>The objective of the BadRAM Patch is to run the Linux kernel in such a
>way that it can handle defective RAM modules. With defective RAM, I
>mean RAM which has some bits wrong at some (known) addresses. Normally, such
>RAM is considered useless and thrown away; the larger RAMs get, the
>higher the chances of failing addresses. With ever growing RAM sizes,
>it would therefore be pleasant to have an alternative to discarding of
>defective RAM chips.
Una patch del kernel che "aggira" le zone marce di un banco di ram
parzilamente guasto e permette di usare la ram buona rimanente.
Windows: dalla gente che ha scritto Edlin.
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