[Golem] Fwd: [Slug-list] Brevetti software - FORZA RAGAZZI!!!!
Max Murdock
Mer 6 Lug 2005 13:07:35 CEST
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marcello Semboli <dinogen@hacknight.org>
Date: Jul 6, 2005 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Slug-list] Brevetti software - FORZA RAGAZZI!!!!
To: slug-list@siena.linux.it
On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 01:38:39AM +0200, Max Murdock wrote:
> Non faccio commenti per scaramanzia, ma guardate cosa ho trovato
> scritto stanotte su importanti siti internet di informazione sul voto
> di domani...
> tra il dire ed il fare, c'e' di mezzo il mare ...
Vi giro una mail dell'autorevole A. Rubini:
--- CUT --- CUT--- CUT--- CUT--- CUT--- CUT--- CUT--- CUT
PAre sia fatta. Su europarl-help ho visto questo:
Rocard criticies the way the commision handled the directive and that
ignored the first reading. There is loud applause from all parties.
680 Votes
645 Yes
14 No
18 Abstentions
The directive is rejected.
The Austrian commisionar Ferero Waldner is speaking. The commision
only propose a new directive if the Parlament will ask for it.
The figth is over for now. See you again when the commision proposes a
directive about a common european patent law.
--- CUT --- CUT--- CUT--- CUT--- CUT--- CUT--- CUT--- CUT
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