[Golem] [Fwd: [tc] DRM ACTION: Let's Hit 10,000]
Dom 22 Ott 2006 13:14:40 CEST
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Max Murdock <xxx>
Reply-To: Lista di discussione italiana sul TC <tc@no1984.org>
To: xxx
Subject: [tc] DRM ACTION: Let's Hit 10,000
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 11:17:34 +0200
Hi all...
I'm a subscriber of Defective By Design, the FSF campaign against DRM...
Some days ago they wrote me this piece of good news and an invitation:
"Through your participation in the campaign and the participation of
others we have succeeded in shifting the debate around DRM. Just this
last week, Billboard ran an article (which was widely distributed via
Reuters) about how DRM is not a viable business model for record
labels. That would have been unthinkable just a few months ago. We
need to strike now while the iron is hot!
Thank you for signing the petition to Bono. We are approaching 5,000
signatures but we want to hit 10,000 by the end of the month. Today we
contacted Paul McGuinness the manager of U2 to organize a date for a
delegation to meet Bono. Take a moment now to ask 5 friends to stand
with you by signing the petition. If every signer gets just one friend
to sign the petition, we will have met our goal.
Tell 5 friends Right Now!
As we move closer to the holiday season it is more important than ever
to spread the word about the dangers of DRM to your friends and
Linking to this page
Ask your friends to sign the Bono Petition
Use the form below to ask your friends to sign the Bono Peition. If
everyone who has signed it already gets 5 friends to sign, we will
send a clear message to Bono that this the fight against DRM is an
important one for him to join.
So I invite all the people who haven't already signed to go and ttaka action :)
-------- End of Forwarded Message --------
<<This happens because I choose it to happen!>>
(Raistlin Majere, DragonLance Chronicles -Dragons of Spring Drawning-)
Dario Faggioli
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