[Golem] A Logo for my LUG

Lorenzo Masini lorenxo86@gmail.com
Dom 29 Ott 2006 23:43:25 CET

Hi Ayo!
My name is Lorenzo and I'm a member of an Italian LUG, GOLEM 
Some days ago, I showed an old version of Frozen Bubble (I've played with the 
new one only today)  to other members of my LUG, and we like verry much its 
artwork, so your work :D
And now, here the question: We aren't artists and we don't succeed to draw our 
logo :( can you draw a logo for us?
We do thrashwaring (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trashware), so we would like 
somthing rappresenting it. 
I hope you can help us :D

Thanks in advance,
Lorenzo Masini
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