[Golem] R: "Flash player is dead" :-P

linuxloverstaff@gmail.com linuxloverstaff@gmail.com
Dom 20 Nov 2011 11:12:00 CET

È stato una  vergogna e un oltraggio nei riguardi di tutti i webdesigner onesti.


-- msg. originale --
Oggetto: [Golem] "Flash player is dead"   :-P
Da: Hal <hal@linux.it>
Data: 20/11/2011 10:24

Se penso a quanto ha rotto negli ultimi 10 anni...


Flash Player is dead. Its time has passed. It's buggy. It crashes a lot.
It requires constant security updates. It doesn't work on most mobile
devices. It's a fossil, left over from the era of closed standards and
unilateral corporate control of web technology. Websites that rely on
Flash present a completely inconsistent (and often unusable) experience
for fast-growing percentage of the users who don't use a desktop
browser. It introduces some scary security and privacy issues by way of
Flash cookies.
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