[Golem] Comprerņ soltanto TP-Link!!

Giovanni Toraldo me@gionn.net
Lun 10 Dic 2012 08:32:01 CET

Io ho un Tp-Link, e non č nella lista.

Ho scritto una mail al supporto, e mi hanno risposto con:

Dear customer,

Thank you very much for your email requesting information about our product.

Sorry that we don't have the GPL code for this modem router.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Un ottimo inizio no?

On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Hal <hal@linux.it> wrote:

> http://www.tp-link.com/en/support/gpl/
> TP-LINK is committed to meeting the requirements of the GNU General
> Public License (GPL) and will make all required source code available.
> --
> Ciao
> Hal  :o)                           [ GnuPGKeyID: 19C156F3 ]
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Giovanni Toraldo
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