[gpm]Re: gpm-1.19.6 (was: Re: new release: gpm-1.19.5)

=?unknown-8bit?B?RnLpZOlyaWMgTC4gVy4=?= Meunier 0@pervalidus.net
Thu, 4 Oct 2001 02:08:13 -0300

Nico Schottelius wrote:

> p.s.: I have tested it twice, there should not be any compile
> error anymore!

It didn't compile with objdir:

% mkdir objdir
% cd objdir
% /usr/local/src/gpm-1.19.6/configure --prefix=/usr
% make
make: *** No rule to make target Makefile.in', needed by Makefile'.  Stop.

But compiled with lndir(1). lndir symlinks all files in
/usr/local/src/gpm-1.19.6/ to objdir. Yes, I hate to compile
in the same directory.

The only change I did with both was remove -g from CFLAGS in
src/Makefile after configure.

Note that it worked with 1.19.5.

BTW, warnings with GCC 3.0.1 (and possibly other compilers):

gpm-root.y:480:12: warning: extra tokens at end of #undef directive
gpm-root.y:630:8: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive
gpm.c: In function selection_copy':
gpm.c:216: warning: implicit declaration of function time'
mice.c:668: warning: missing braces around initializer
mice.c:668: warning: (near initialization for wcmodell[0]')
mice.c:2117: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
synaptics.c:215: warning: missing braces around initializer
synaptics.c:215: warning: (near initialization for param_data[0].addr')
synaptics.c: In function syn_read_config_file':
synaptics.c:812: warning: deprecated use of label at end of compound statement
synaptics.c: In function syn_translate_ps2_wmode_report':
synaptics.c:1232: warning: unused variable w'
synaptics.c: At top level:
synaptics.c:185: warning: upper_left_action' defined but not used
synaptics.c:186: warning: lower_left_action' defined but not used
synaptics.c:187: warning: upper_right_action' defined but not used
synaptics.c:188: warning: lower_right_action' defined but not used
synaptics.c:1086: warning: ps2_set_mode1' defined but not used
synaptics.c:1160: warning: read_ps2_modes' defined but not used
debuglog.c: In function gpm_oops':
debuglog.c:99: warning: implicit declaration of function exit'
liblow.c: In function Gpm_Getc':
liblow.c:532: warning: type defaults to int' in declaration of gpm_convert_event'
gpm-root.y: In function f_fgcmd':
gpm-root.y:521: warning: deprecated use of label at end of compound statement
gpm-root.y:630:8: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive
gpm-root.y: In function main':
gpm-root.y:1199: warning: posty' might be used uninitialized in this function
gpm-root.y: At top level:
gpm-root.y:29: warning: rcsid' defined but not used

0@pervalidus.{net, {dyndns.}org} Tel: 55-21-2717-2399 (Niterói-RJ BR)