[gpm] GPM Problems - more information
Peter Berg Larsen
Sat, 6 Apr 2002 01:58:30 +0200 (MET DST)
On 5 Apr 2002, Troy Schultz wrote:
> I had first tried using your stick_enabled=true with the hopes that it
> may work with the 4-way scroll. However if I do not enable the stick I
> get errors if I do press the 4-way scroll key. The error in
> /var/log/messages is as follows;
> Apr 5 14:31:13 p2710 gpm[1943]: === ERROR ===:
> [/usr/src/gpm-1.20.0-patched/src/synaptics.c(928)]:
> Apr 5 14:31:13 p2710 gpm[1943]: ^MSynps2: Pressure is 0, but x or y is
> not 0
The behavior (erroring) is correct as the data is not from a known (to me)
synaptic protocol. Unfortunatly it seems as both the stick and the 4-way
button uses the same (extended) packet protocol, thats why something is
happening when you use the botton, but so how can I distinguise them? Can
you give me some data packets (like those you wrote in previuos mail)
where you only use the 4-way botton?
E-Mail: pebl@math.ku.dk
Real name: Peter Berg Larsen
Where: Department of Computer Science, Copenhagen Uni., Denmark