Ian Zimmerman
26 Aug 2002 01:50:45 -0700
itz> A sneak preview of gim is available at
itz> http://www.speakeasy.net/~itz/hacks/gim-0.9.1.tar.gz
itz> gim is a replacement for gpm, the classic linux mouse
itz> multiplexor. Unlike gpm, it doesn't speak the native protocols
itz> of mice; instead, it uses gii (the General Graphics Interface
itz> input library) to get mouse input. Thus, gii is a prerequisite
itz> for gim.
itz> I consider the code in this snapshot complete, except for
itz> bugfixes. Testing is appreciated. One thing that needs to be
itz> completed before a public release is documentation. I know about
itz> that and will be working on it.
Now up to 0.9.2, in the same place. The addition is a simple C++
interface for clients (in the libgim subdirectory of the
distribution). Docs are still missing...
Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
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