[Gulli] [Fwd: Open Format for videos on european web site]
Lun 8 Gen 2007 12:39:02 CET
Il Consiglio Europeo distribuisce, sul proprio sito, i video in formato
Windows Media Player, con palese indifferenza alla necessità di
distribuire i documenti pubblici (per cui NOI paghiamo le tasse) in
formati liberi ed aperti.
C'è già una petizione on-line - che inviterei tutti a firmare - presso:
Per ulteriori informazioni, spiego qualche dettaglio in più sotto:
"Petizione contro le politiche informative dell'UE"
Allego l'e-mail che ho inviato agli uffici (IR-)responsabili.
Saluti ed auguri, che cominciamo proprio bene l'anno nuovo!
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Open Format for videos on european web site
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 12:24:07 +0100
From: ...
To: streaming.helpline@consilium.europa.eu
CC: Public.info@consilium.europa.eu, press.office@consilium.europa.eu
I would like to express my disappointment for the discrimination that is
played on the web site of a public European administration.
On the "Streaming Service of the Council of the European Union" (
http://ceuweb.belbone.be/ ) only Windows Media Player videos are
offered, without any respect for open standard and complete
accessibility for any user.
As a citizen of European Union, I am not supposed to buy proprietary
software just to participate to the political debate.
I require free and open format for any document that is issued for the
European Institutions.
As a tax payer and a citizen, I refuse the discriminatory politics that
are followed on the site, where it is written:
"Firefox and Opera will be supported with a minimal of functionalities:
No possibilities to use the Table Of contents for positioning the
streaming. All the buttons for the player will disappear and the
standard buttons of the player must be used to control the stream."
I require a prompt correction of the unfair behaviour, as it is
requested by many thousands of freedom aware citizens on
http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/eu_streaming_service_for_everybody .
Best Regards,
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