
Alessandro Rubini rubini@ar.linux.it
Sat Feb 28 22:52:39 CET 2004

> The bad is that some process is holding the ramdisk
> open so I haven't be able to free it's memory.

>From your script I see a few problems. I may be wrong, as
my experience with pivot_root is not very deep, although I've
used it in an embedded system that runs on tmpfs and releases the
old root (well.... almost). And no, I don't have an 820.

- cardmgr daemonizes and remains alive. I sugges to
use the "-o" option ro configure existing cards and then exit.
This way I managed to nfs-root the assabet development system, whose
ethernet card is in the compact-flash slot.

- you don't umount /proc from the initial root filesystem. This
keeps the filesystem busy too.

- you don't close stdin/out/err in the invoking script and
don't "exec" away from the original process. Here
I'm most likely wrong, as you probabily exit from all processes
by I didn't understand that.


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