[LinuxLudus] NVR per ubuntu

Valerio Pachera sirio81@gmail.com
Dom 16 Lug 2017 19:32:07 CEST

Questo <https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/issues/146> è un vecchio
bug report (2013) proprio sul supporto di unvif e ho trovato una
spiagazione intressante di cosa guardare in un ip cam per capire se può
essere usata con zoneminder.

*Generally speaking, Zoneminder is already capable of supporting devices
like the one described. It doesn't matter if the device is ONVIF compliant
or not.*
(e fin qua, suona molto bene)

The caveats one must look out for are:

   1. Devices that will only work with IE running an ActiveX module
   (zoneminder will never support these)
   2. Devices that require digest authentication (a valid deficiency that
   will be addressed in the future)

To go about getting your device to work with Zoneminder, you must determine

   1. video stream url
   2. ptz control url for each and every command accepted by the device

The API documentation is a valuable tool to figuring these out, as is
looking directly at the html source of the device's web page and running a
good ole' Wireshark session to see what is being sent to the camera.

E qua sa di alchemico!!! Ricavare dei dati che cambiano da produttore a
produttore...Chissà poi se ad oggi zoneminder supporta l'autenticazione
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