[LTP] [Query] Regarding broken_ip4_version testcase

Alexey Kodanev alexey.kodanev@oracle.com
Mon Dec 21 07:45:01 CET 2015

On 12/16/2015 11:53 AM, Manjeet Pawar wrote:
> HI,
> I am running broken_ip testcases. I am using below env setting
> export NETWORK_DELAY=30
> export LTP_RSH="ssh -q  -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -l root"

LTP_RSH is not used in test_net.sh/tst_rhost_run(), which is sourced by 
broken_ip test group.
So it will be as you wrote below without your private key.

You could try to create alias ssh='ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i 
and then run the test.

> Testcase:- "broken_ip4_version"
> Logs: here (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is rhost address)
> ++ssh -n -q root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 'sh -c    '\' ip link set eth0 down  || echo RTERR'\'''
> <testcase stuck here>

requesting a pswd?

Best regards,

Also please send any further emails to the following ML:


> I am not able to proceed after this command. I checked my remote machine, its network is already down when this command executed, but the testcase stuck at this moment and not returning anything.
> Am I missing anything?
> I checked with all my env settings, they are working for rest of the other testcases but not for this category "broken_ip_*).
> Thanks
> Manjeet
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