[LTP] [PATCH v4] commands/mkswap: Added new testcase to test mkswap(8).

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Thu Nov 19 14:41:12 CET 2015

> +	if [ "$mkswap_op" = "-L" ] || [ "$mkswap_op" = "-U" ]; then
> +		local swapfile=$op_arg
> +	else
> +		mkswap_op=
> +		local swapfile=$TST_DEVICE
> +	fi

What I asked you to do is to pass either the label or uuid for -L and -U
as $3 and $TST_DEVICE otherwise to the mkswap_test function. Then we can
just pass it in mkswap_test to the verify function so that we do not
have to do this ugly if. Ok?

Looking at the code we would have to actually pass "-L label" and
"-U uuid" or $TST_DEVICE. But that would be way nicer than spreading ifs

> +	swapon $mkswap_op $swapfile 2>/dev/null
> +	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
> +		tst_resm TINFO "Can not do swapon on $swapfile."
> +		if [ $pagesize -ne $PAGE_SIZE ]; then
> +			tst_resm TINFO "Page size specified by 'mkswap -p' \
> +is not equal to system's page size."
> +			tst_resm TINFO "Swapon failed expectedly."
> +			return 0
> +		fi
> +
> +		if [ $swapsize -gt $DEVICE_SIZE ]; then
> +			tst_resm TINFO "Device size specified by 'mkswap' \
> +greater than real size."
> +			tst_resm TINFO "Swapon failed expectedly."
> +			return 0
> +		fi
> +
> +		tst_resm TINFO "Swapon failed unexpectedly."
> +		return 1
> +	fi
> +
> +	local after=`awk '/SwapTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo`
> +
> +	local diff=$((after-before))
> +	local filesize=$((swapsize-pagesize/1024))
> +
> +	local ret=0
> +
> +	# In general, the swap increment by doing swapon should be equal to
> +	# the device size minus a page size, however for some kernels, the
> +	# increment we get is not exactly equal to that value, but is equal
> +	# to the value minus an extra page size, e.g. on RHEL5.11GA.
> +	if [ $diff -ne $filesize ] && \
> +		[ $diff -ne $((filesize-pagesize/1024)) ]; then
> +		ret=1
> +	fi

This looks good now, thanks for the detailed description.

> +	swapoff $mkswap_op $swapfile 2>/dev/null
> +	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
> +		tst_resm TINFO "Can not do swapoff on $swapfile."

                         I would change this to TWARN so that we make
			 sure that tester would notice
			 the failure in test results.

> +	fi
> +
> +	return $ret
> +}

The rest looks good to me.

Cyril Hrubis

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