[LTP] [PATCH 07/10] network/nfs03: move to nfs_stress directory

Alexey Kodanev alexey.kodanev@oracle.com
Wed Sep 30 15:09:25 CEST 2015

Signed-off-by: Alexey Kodanev <alexey.kodanev@oracle.com>
 testcases/network/nfs/nfs03/Makefile      |   31 --
 testcases/network/nfs/nfs03/nfs03         |  428 -----------------------------
 testcases/network/nfs/nfs_stress/Makefile |    3 +-
 testcases/network/nfs/nfs_stress/nfs03    |  428 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 430 insertions(+), 460 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 testcases/network/nfs/nfs03/Makefile
 delete mode 100755 testcases/network/nfs/nfs03/nfs03
 create mode 100755 testcases/network/nfs/nfs_stress/nfs03

diff --git a/testcases/network/nfs/nfs03/Makefile b/testcases/network/nfs/nfs03/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 33464f5..0000000
--- a/testcases/network/nfs/nfs03/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#    network/nfs/nfs03 testcases Makefile.
-#    Copyright (C) 2009, Cisco Systems Inc.
-#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-#    (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-#    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-#    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Garrett Cooper, July 2009
-top_srcdir		?= ../../../..
-include $(top_srcdir)/include/mk/env_pre.mk
-include $(top_srcdir)/include/mk/generic_leaf_target.mk
diff --git a/testcases/network/nfs/nfs03/nfs03 b/testcases/network/nfs/nfs03/nfs03
deleted file mode 100755
index a6c53ab..0000000
--- a/testcases/network/nfs/nfs03/nfs03
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-#   Copyright (c) International Business Machines  Corp., 2001
-#   This program is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-#   (at your option) any later version.
-#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implie; warranty of
-#   the GNU General Public License for more details.
-#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#   along with this program;  if not, write to the Free Software
-#   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-#  FILE   : nfs03
-#  DESCRIPTION: This script sets up the NFS directories in the remote machine
-#		and runs the LTP's filesystem test: fs_inod.
-#  SETUP: The home directory of root on the machine exported as "RHOST"
-#         MUST have a ".rhosts" file with the hostname of the machine
-#         where the test is executed.
-#    11/2/01 Robbie Williamson (robbiew@us.ibm.com)
-#      -Created
-#Uncomment line below for debug output.
-#trace_logic=${trace_logic:-"set -x"}
-# Initialize local variables
-RHOST=${RHOST:=`hostname | awk {'print $1'}`}
-export TCID=$TC
-export TST_TOTAL=1
-export TST_COUNT=1
-# Setting the NFS to version 3 by default
-# If CLEANUP is not set; set it to "ON"
-# FUNCTION NAME:        fs_inod
-# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Filesystems test from LTP.
-# PARAMETERS:		Filesystem, number of directories, number of files,
-#			and loops
-# RETURNS:		0 for PASS and Error Code for FAIL.
-# FUNCTION NAME:        err_log
-# PARAMETERS:           None.
-# RETURNS:              None.
-    error "$1"
-    : $(($step_errors+=1))
-# FUNCTION NAME:        make_subdirs
-# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Creates $numsubdirs subdirectories
-# PARAMETERS:           None.
-# RETURNS:              None.
-    i=0;
-    while [ "$i" -lt "$numsubdirs" ]; do
-        [ -d dir$i ] || { \
-            echo "$0: mkdir dir$i"
-            mkdir -p dir$i || echo "mkdir dir$i FAILED"
-        }
-        : $(( i += 1 ))
-    done;
-# FUNCTION NAME:        touch_files
-# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Creates $numfiles in each of $numsubdirs directories
-# PARAMETERS:           None.
-# RETURNS:              None.
-    echo "$0: touch files [0-$numsubdirs]/file$numsubdirs[0-$numfiles]"
-    j=0;
-    while [ "$j" -lt "$numsubdirs" ]; do
-        cd dir$j
-        k=0;
-        while [ "$k" -lt "$numfiles" ]; do
-            >file$j$k || err_log ">file$j$k FAILED"
-            : $(( k += 1 ))
-        done
-        : $(( j += 1 ))
-        cd ..
-    done
-# FUNCTION NAME:        rm_files
-# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Removes $numfiles in each $numsubdir directory
-# PARAMETERS:   None.
-# RETURNS:      None.
-    echo "$0: rm files [0-$numsubdirs]/file$numsubdirs[0-$numfiles]"
-    j=0;
-    while [ "$j" -lt "$numsubdirs" ]; do
-        cd dir$j
-        k=0;
-        while [ "$k" -lt "$numfiles" ]; do
-            rm -f file$j$k || err_log "rm -f file$j$k FAILED"
-            : $(( k += 1 ))
-        done
-        : $(( j += 1 ))
-        cd ..
-    done
-# FUNCTION NAME:        step1
-# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: multiple processes creating and deleting files
-# PARAMETERS:           None.
-# RETURNS:              None.
-    echo "=============================================="
-    echo "=============================================="
-    echo "$0: creating dir2 subdirectories"
-    [ -d dir2 ] || { \
-        mkdir -p dir2 || end_testcase "mkdir dir2 failed"
-    }
-    cd dir2 || err_log "cd dir2 FAILED"
-    make_subdirs || err_log "make_subdirs on dir2 FAILED"
-    cd ..
-    echo "$0: creating dir1 subdirectories & files"
-    [ -d dir1 ] || { \
-        mkdir dir1 || abort "mkdir dir1 FAILED"
-    }
-    cd dir1 || err_log "cd dir1 FAILED"
-    make_subdirs || err_log "make_subdirs on dir1 FAILED"
-    touch_files
-    pid1=$!
-    i=1;
-    while [ "$i" -le "$numloops" ]; do
-        echo "Executing loop $i of $numloops..."
-#       Added date stamps to track execution time and duration
-        echo "$0: cd ../dir1 & creating files"
-        cd ../dir1
-        wait $pid1
-        touch_files &
-        pid1=$!
-        echo "$0: cd ../dir1 & removing files"
-        cd ../dir1
-        wait $pid1
-        rm_files &
-        pid1=$!
-        echo "$0: cd ../dir2 & creating files"
-        cd ../dir2
-        wait $pid2
-        touch_files &
-        pid2=$!
-        echo "$0: cd ../dir2 & removing files"
-        cd ../dir2
-        wait $pid2
-        rm_files &
-        pid2=$!
-        : $(( i += 1 ))
-    done
-    # wait for all background processes to complete execution
-    wait
-    return $step_errors
-#     See the description, purpose, and design of this test under TEST
-#     in this test's prolog.
-    USAGE="Usage: ./fs_inod [volumename] [numsubdirectories] [numfiles] [numloops]"
-    if [ $# -ne 4 ]
-    then
-       echo $USAGE
-       exit 2
-    fi
-    testvol=$1
-    numsubdirs=$2
-    numfiles=$3
-    numloops=$4
-    cd $testvol || exit 2
-    echo "FS_INODE: File system stress - inode allocation/deallocation"
-    echo "Volume under test: $testvol"
-    echo "Number of subdirectories: $numsubdirs"
-    echo "Number of files: $numfiles"
-    echo "Number of loops: $numloops"
-    echo "Execution begins "
-    date
-    STEPS="1"
-    for I in $STEPS
-    do
-         step_errors=0
-         step$I
-         if [ $? != 0 ]; then
-            error "step$I failed - see above errors"
-         fi
-    done
-# Clean up and timestamp
-    rm -rf $testvol/dir*
-    echo "Execution completed"
-    date
-    return $ERRORS
-# FUNCTION NAME:        setup_testcase
-# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Perform the setup function for the testcase.
-# PARAMETERS:   	None.
-# RETURNS:      	None.
-    echo ""
-    echo "Test Options:"
-    echo " VERSION: $VERSION"
-    echo " TESTDIR: $TESTDIR"
-    echo " RHOST: $RHOST"
-    echo " NFS_TYPE: $NFS_TYPE"
-    echo ""
-    echo "Test Parameters:"
-    echo " Number of Directories: $DIR_NUM"
-    echo " Number of Files per Directory: $FILE_NUM"
-    echo " Number of nfsds tested: $THREAD_NUM"
-    echo ""
-    if [ "x$NFS_TYPE" != "xnfs4" ]; then
-        OPTS=${OPTS:="-o vers=$VERSION,proto=$SOCKET_TYPE "}
-    fi
-    mkdir -p $TCtmp || end_testcase "Could not create $TCtmp"
-    chmod 777 $TCtmp
-    echo "Setting up remote machine: $RHOST"
-    rsh -n $RHOST "mkdir -p $TESTDIR"
-    [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not create remote directory"
-    if [ "x$NFS_TYPE" = "xnfs4" ]; then
-        rsh -n $RHOST "mkdir -p /export$TESTDIR"
-        [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not create /export$TESTDIR on server"
-        echo "rsh -n $RHOST 'mount --bind $TESTDIR /export$TESTDIR'"
-        rsh -n $RHOST "mount --bind $TESTDIR /export$TESTDIR"
-        [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not bind $TESTDIR to /export"
-        rsh -n $RHOST "/usr/sbin/exportfs -i -o no_root_squash,rw *:$TESTDIR"
-        [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not export remote directory"
-    else
-        rsh -n $RHOST "/usr/sbin/exportfs -i -o no_root_squash,rw *:$TESTDIR"
-        [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not export remote directory"
-    fi
-    echo "Mounting NFS filesystem $REMOTE_DIR on $TCtmp with options '$OPTS'"
-    mount -t $NFS_TYPE $OPTS $REMOTE_DIR $TCtmp || end_testcase "Cannot mount $TCtmp"
-    [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not mount $REMOTE_DIR"
-    echo "Setting server side nfsd count to $THREAD_NUM"
-    ORIG_NFSD=`rsh -n $RHOST "ps -ef" | grep nfsd | grep -v grep | wc -l`
-    rsh -n $RHOST "/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd $THREAD_NUM"
-    [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not set the number of nfsds on $RHOST"
-# FUNCTION NAME:        do_test
-# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Perform the test
-# PARAMETERS:   	None.
-# RETURNS:      	None.
-    echo "fs_inod starting on $TCtmp."
-    fs_inod $TCtmp $DIR_NUM $FILE_NUM 1
-    retval=$?
-    echo "fs_inod on $TCtmp finished."
-    if [ "$retval" != 0 ]; then
-      end_testcase "Errors have resulted from this test: fs_inod returned $retval."
-    fi
-    cd /
-# FUNCTION NAME:        end_testcase
-# PARAMETERS:   	None.
-# RETURNS:      	None.
-    if [ "$CLEANUP" = "ON" ]; then
-	cd \
-	echo "Cleaning up testcase"
-        /bin/umount $TCtmp || echo "Cannot umount $TCtmp"
-	sleep 2
-	rmdir $TCtmp || echo "Cannot remove $TCtmp"
-        rsh -n $RHOST "/usr/sbin/exportfs -u *:$TESTDIR"
-		 rsh -n $RHOST "rm -rf $TESTDIR"
-	rsh -n $RHOST "/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd $ORIG_NFSD"
-    fi
-    [ $# = 0 ] && { tst_resm TPASS "Test Successful"; exit 0; }
-    tst_resm TFAIL "Test Failed: $@"
-    exit 1
diff --git a/testcases/network/nfs/nfs_stress/Makefile b/testcases/network/nfs/nfs_stress/Makefile
index ff61dfb..69d2c81 100644
--- a/testcases/network/nfs/nfs_stress/Makefile
+++ b/testcases/network/nfs/nfs_stress/Makefile
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/include/mk/env_pre.mk
 INSTALL_TARGETS		:= nfs_lib.sh \
 			   nfs01 \
-			   nfs02
+			   nfs02 \
+			   nfs03
 include $(top_srcdir)/include/mk/generic_leaf_target.mk
diff --git a/testcases/network/nfs/nfs_stress/nfs03 b/testcases/network/nfs/nfs_stress/nfs03
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a6c53ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/network/nfs/nfs_stress/nfs03
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+#   Copyright (c) International Business Machines  Corp., 2001
+#   This program is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#   (at your option) any later version.
+#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implie; warranty of
+#   the GNU General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with this program;  if not, write to the Free Software
+#   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+#  FILE   : nfs03
+#  DESCRIPTION: This script sets up the NFS directories in the remote machine
+#		and runs the LTP's filesystem test: fs_inod.
+#  SETUP: The home directory of root on the machine exported as "RHOST"
+#         MUST have a ".rhosts" file with the hostname of the machine
+#         where the test is executed.
+#    11/2/01 Robbie Williamson (robbiew@us.ibm.com)
+#      -Created
+#Uncomment line below for debug output.
+#trace_logic=${trace_logic:-"set -x"}
+# Initialize local variables
+RHOST=${RHOST:=`hostname | awk {'print $1'}`}
+export TCID=$TC
+export TST_TOTAL=1
+export TST_COUNT=1
+# Setting the NFS to version 3 by default
+# If CLEANUP is not set; set it to "ON"
+# FUNCTION NAME:        fs_inod
+# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Filesystems test from LTP.
+# PARAMETERS:		Filesystem, number of directories, number of files,
+#			and loops
+# RETURNS:		0 for PASS and Error Code for FAIL.
+# FUNCTION NAME:        err_log
+# PARAMETERS:           None.
+# RETURNS:              None.
+    error "$1"
+    : $(($step_errors+=1))
+# FUNCTION NAME:        make_subdirs
+# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Creates $numsubdirs subdirectories
+# PARAMETERS:           None.
+# RETURNS:              None.
+    i=0;
+    while [ "$i" -lt "$numsubdirs" ]; do
+        [ -d dir$i ] || { \
+            echo "$0: mkdir dir$i"
+            mkdir -p dir$i || echo "mkdir dir$i FAILED"
+        }
+        : $(( i += 1 ))
+    done;
+# FUNCTION NAME:        touch_files
+# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Creates $numfiles in each of $numsubdirs directories
+# PARAMETERS:           None.
+# RETURNS:              None.
+    echo "$0: touch files [0-$numsubdirs]/file$numsubdirs[0-$numfiles]"
+    j=0;
+    while [ "$j" -lt "$numsubdirs" ]; do
+        cd dir$j
+        k=0;
+        while [ "$k" -lt "$numfiles" ]; do
+            >file$j$k || err_log ">file$j$k FAILED"
+            : $(( k += 1 ))
+        done
+        : $(( j += 1 ))
+        cd ..
+    done
+# FUNCTION NAME:        rm_files
+# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Removes $numfiles in each $numsubdir directory
+# PARAMETERS:   None.
+# RETURNS:      None.
+    echo "$0: rm files [0-$numsubdirs]/file$numsubdirs[0-$numfiles]"
+    j=0;
+    while [ "$j" -lt "$numsubdirs" ]; do
+        cd dir$j
+        k=0;
+        while [ "$k" -lt "$numfiles" ]; do
+            rm -f file$j$k || err_log "rm -f file$j$k FAILED"
+            : $(( k += 1 ))
+        done
+        : $(( j += 1 ))
+        cd ..
+    done
+# FUNCTION NAME:        step1
+# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: multiple processes creating and deleting files
+# PARAMETERS:           None.
+# RETURNS:              None.
+    echo "=============================================="
+    echo "=============================================="
+    echo "$0: creating dir2 subdirectories"
+    [ -d dir2 ] || { \
+        mkdir -p dir2 || end_testcase "mkdir dir2 failed"
+    }
+    cd dir2 || err_log "cd dir2 FAILED"
+    make_subdirs || err_log "make_subdirs on dir2 FAILED"
+    cd ..
+    echo "$0: creating dir1 subdirectories & files"
+    [ -d dir1 ] || { \
+        mkdir dir1 || abort "mkdir dir1 FAILED"
+    }
+    cd dir1 || err_log "cd dir1 FAILED"
+    make_subdirs || err_log "make_subdirs on dir1 FAILED"
+    touch_files
+    pid1=$!
+    i=1;
+    while [ "$i" -le "$numloops" ]; do
+        echo "Executing loop $i of $numloops..."
+#       Added date stamps to track execution time and duration
+        echo "$0: cd ../dir1 & creating files"
+        cd ../dir1
+        wait $pid1
+        touch_files &
+        pid1=$!
+        echo "$0: cd ../dir1 & removing files"
+        cd ../dir1
+        wait $pid1
+        rm_files &
+        pid1=$!
+        echo "$0: cd ../dir2 & creating files"
+        cd ../dir2
+        wait $pid2
+        touch_files &
+        pid2=$!
+        echo "$0: cd ../dir2 & removing files"
+        cd ../dir2
+        wait $pid2
+        rm_files &
+        pid2=$!
+        : $(( i += 1 ))
+    done
+    # wait for all background processes to complete execution
+    wait
+    return $step_errors
+#     See the description, purpose, and design of this test under TEST
+#     in this test's prolog.
+    USAGE="Usage: ./fs_inod [volumename] [numsubdirectories] [numfiles] [numloops]"
+    if [ $# -ne 4 ]
+    then
+       echo $USAGE
+       exit 2
+    fi
+    testvol=$1
+    numsubdirs=$2
+    numfiles=$3
+    numloops=$4
+    cd $testvol || exit 2
+    echo "FS_INODE: File system stress - inode allocation/deallocation"
+    echo "Volume under test: $testvol"
+    echo "Number of subdirectories: $numsubdirs"
+    echo "Number of files: $numfiles"
+    echo "Number of loops: $numloops"
+    echo "Execution begins "
+    date
+    STEPS="1"
+    for I in $STEPS
+    do
+         step_errors=0
+         step$I
+         if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+            error "step$I failed - see above errors"
+         fi
+    done
+# Clean up and timestamp
+    rm -rf $testvol/dir*
+    echo "Execution completed"
+    date
+    return $ERRORS
+# FUNCTION NAME:        setup_testcase
+# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Perform the setup function for the testcase.
+# PARAMETERS:   	None.
+# RETURNS:      	None.
+    echo ""
+    echo "Test Options:"
+    echo " VERSION: $VERSION"
+    echo " TESTDIR: $TESTDIR"
+    echo " RHOST: $RHOST"
+    echo " NFS_TYPE: $NFS_TYPE"
+    echo ""
+    echo "Test Parameters:"
+    echo " Number of Directories: $DIR_NUM"
+    echo " Number of Files per Directory: $FILE_NUM"
+    echo " Number of nfsds tested: $THREAD_NUM"
+    echo ""
+    if [ "x$NFS_TYPE" != "xnfs4" ]; then
+        OPTS=${OPTS:="-o vers=$VERSION,proto=$SOCKET_TYPE "}
+    fi
+    mkdir -p $TCtmp || end_testcase "Could not create $TCtmp"
+    chmod 777 $TCtmp
+    echo "Setting up remote machine: $RHOST"
+    rsh -n $RHOST "mkdir -p $TESTDIR"
+    [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not create remote directory"
+    if [ "x$NFS_TYPE" = "xnfs4" ]; then
+        rsh -n $RHOST "mkdir -p /export$TESTDIR"
+        [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not create /export$TESTDIR on server"
+        echo "rsh -n $RHOST 'mount --bind $TESTDIR /export$TESTDIR'"
+        rsh -n $RHOST "mount --bind $TESTDIR /export$TESTDIR"
+        [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not bind $TESTDIR to /export"
+        rsh -n $RHOST "/usr/sbin/exportfs -i -o no_root_squash,rw *:$TESTDIR"
+        [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not export remote directory"
+    else
+        rsh -n $RHOST "/usr/sbin/exportfs -i -o no_root_squash,rw *:$TESTDIR"
+        [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not export remote directory"
+    fi
+    echo "Mounting NFS filesystem $REMOTE_DIR on $TCtmp with options '$OPTS'"
+    mount -t $NFS_TYPE $OPTS $REMOTE_DIR $TCtmp || end_testcase "Cannot mount $TCtmp"
+    [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not mount $REMOTE_DIR"
+    echo "Setting server side nfsd count to $THREAD_NUM"
+    ORIG_NFSD=`rsh -n $RHOST "ps -ef" | grep nfsd | grep -v grep | wc -l`
+    rsh -n $RHOST "/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd $THREAD_NUM"
+    [ $? = 0 ] || end_testcase "Could not set the number of nfsds on $RHOST"
+# FUNCTION NAME:        do_test
+# FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Perform the test
+# PARAMETERS:   	None.
+# RETURNS:      	None.
+    echo "fs_inod starting on $TCtmp."
+    fs_inod $TCtmp $DIR_NUM $FILE_NUM 1
+    retval=$?
+    echo "fs_inod on $TCtmp finished."
+    if [ "$retval" != 0 ]; then
+      end_testcase "Errors have resulted from this test: fs_inod returned $retval."
+    fi
+    cd /
+# FUNCTION NAME:        end_testcase
+# PARAMETERS:   	None.
+# RETURNS:      	None.
+    if [ "$CLEANUP" = "ON" ]; then
+	cd \
+	echo "Cleaning up testcase"
+        /bin/umount $TCtmp || echo "Cannot umount $TCtmp"
+	sleep 2
+	rmdir $TCtmp || echo "Cannot remove $TCtmp"
+        rsh -n $RHOST "/usr/sbin/exportfs -u *:$TESTDIR"
+		 rsh -n $RHOST "rm -rf $TESTDIR"
+	rsh -n $RHOST "/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd $ORIG_NFSD"
+    fi
+    [ $# = 0 ] && { tst_resm TPASS "Test Successful"; exit 0; }
+    tst_resm TFAIL "Test Failed: $@"
+    exit 1

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