[LTP] [PATCH] syscalls/msgctl13: fix error when run on the new system

Cui Bixuan cuibixuan@huawei.com
Wed Apr 13 12:32:15 CEST 2016

On 2016/4/12 0:58, Cyril Hrubis wrote:
> This change leaks memory (leaves the message queue with key = 0 on the
> system) and relies on a fact that IPC_PRIVATE == 0 which may not be
> necessarilly true. Can't we instead do IPC_STAT on the msg_q and expect
> it to fail?
Use msgctl with IPC_STAT to check it is better :-);

But why it return EINVAL, instead of EIDRM?

Cui Bixuan


Cyril Hrubis

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