[LTP] [COMMITTED] [PATCH 1/2] realtime: Remove leftover script mixed_load.sh

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Dec 6 14:30:50 CET 2016

The script does not seem to be called from anywhere and is not installed
on 'make install' either.

Signed-off-by: Cyril Hrubis <chrubis@suse.cz>
 .../realtime/func/periodic_cpu_load/mixed_load.sh  | 233 ---------------------
 1 file changed, 233 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 testcases/realtime/func/periodic_cpu_load/mixed_load.sh

diff --git a/testcases/realtime/func/periodic_cpu_load/mixed_load.sh b/testcases/realtime/func/periodic_cpu_load/mixed_load.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 173c2c0..0000000
--- a/testcases/realtime/func/periodic_cpu_load/mixed_load.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-#    Filename: mixed_load.sh
-#      Author: Darren Hart <dvhltc@us.ibm.com>
-# Description: Run multiple copies of periodic threads and compare their
-#              runtime average.
-# Use "-j" to enable the jvm simulator.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 2007
-# 2007-Aug-29:	Initial version by Darren Hart <dvhltc@us.ibm.com>
-# Run multiple copies of periodic threads and compare their runtime average
-MASTER_PRIO=90 # just above highest prio of jvmsim
-# Remove logs laying around
-rm -f pcl*.log > /dev/null
-# Ensure we can spawn all the threads without being preempted
-chrt -p -f $MASTER_PRIO $$
-# Run $1 copies of the thread group, only run one copy of the jvm simulater per group of threads
-function run_thread_groups() {
-    CON=$1 # Concurrency
-    for ((i=0; i<$CON; i++)); do
-        ./periodic_cpu_load_single -i $ITERATIONS -r $T1_PRIO -t $T1_PERIOD -c $T1_LOOPS -f pcl-${CON}x-t1_$i > pcl-${CON}x-t1-$i.log &
-        ./periodic_cpu_load_single -i $ITERATIONS -r $T2_PRIO -t $T2_PERIOD -c $T2_LOOPS -f pcl-${CON}x-t2_$i > pcl-${CON}x-t2-$i.log &
-        ./periodic_cpu_load_single -i $ITERATIONS -r $T3_PRIO -t $T3_PERIOD -c $T3_LOOPS -f pcl-${CON}x-t3-$i > pcl-${CON}x-t3-$i.log &
-        ./periodic_cpu_load_single $JVM_ARG -i $ITERATIONS -r $T4_PRIO -t $T4_PERIOD -c $T4_LOOPS -f pcl-${CON}x-t4-$i > pcl-${CON}x-t4-$i.log &
-    done
-    wait
-# grab the average from a log file
-function parse_avg() {
-    grep Avg $1 | sed "s/Avg: \(.*\) us/\1/"
-# grab composite averages from a glob of log files
-function parse_avg_avg() {
-    SUM=0
-    COUNT=$#
-    for LOG in $@; do
-        A=`parse_avg $LOG`
-        SUM=`echo "scale=2; $SUM + $A" | bc`
-    done
-    echo "scale=2; $SUM / $COUNT" | bc
-# determine the min of the floating point averages
-function min_float() {
-    MIN=$1
-    shift
-    for VAL in $@; do
-        LT=`echo "$VAL < $MIN" | bc`
-        if [ $LT -eq 1 ]; then
-            MIN=$VAL
-        fi
-        shift
-    done
-    echo $MIN
-# determine the max of the floating point averages
-function max_float() {
-    MAX=$1
-    shift
-    for VAL in $@; do
-        GT=`echo "$VAL > $MIN" | bc`
-        if [ $GT -eq 1 ]; then
-            MAX=$VAL
-        fi
-        shift
-    done
-    echo $MAX
-# calculate (max-min)/min of the args passed in
-function percent_error() {
-    MIN=`min_float $@`
-    MAX=`max_float $@`
-    echo "scale=2; 100*($MAX - $MIN)/$MIN" | bc
-# return 1 if all args are less than CRITERIA
-function pass_criteria() {
-    for ERR in $@; do
-        LT=`echo "$ERR < $CRITERIA" | bc`
-        if [ $LT -eq 0 ]; then
-            return 0
-        fi
-    done
-    return 1
-# Parse args
-if [ "$1" == "-j" ]; then
-    JVM_ARG="-j"
-    JVM_STATUS="Enabled"
-cat <<EOL
-Periodic CPU Load: Average Runtime Percent Error
-Running $ITERATIONS iterations per thread
-JVM Simulator: $JVM_STATUS
-`printf "%8s%6s%10s%10s" Thread Prio Period Loops`
-`printf "%8s%6s%10s%10s" ------ ---- ------ -----`
-`printf "%8s%6s%10s%10s" T1 $T1_PRIO $T1_PERIOD $T1_LOOPS`
-`printf "%8s%6s%10s%10s" T2 $T2_PRIO $T2_PERIOD $T2_LOOPS`
-`printf "%8s%6s%10s%10s" T3 $T3_PRIO $T3_PERIOD $T3_LOOPS`
-`printf "%8s%6s%10s%10s" T4 $T4_PRIO $T4_PERIOD $T4_LOOPS`
-# Determine the average run time for a single instance of each thread
-run_thread_groups 1
-T1_1X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-1x-t1-0.log`
-T2_1X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-1x-t2-0.log`
-T3_1X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-1x-t3-0.log`
-T4_1X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-1x-t4-0.log`
-cat <<EOL
-Single Instance Averages
-  T1: $T1_1X_AVG us
-  T2: $T2_1X_AVG us
-  T3: $T3_1X_AVG us
-  T4: $T4_1X_AVG us
-# allow console to update
-sleep 1
-run_thread_groups 2
-T1_2X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-2x-t1-[01].log`
-T2_2X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-2x-t2-[01].log`
-T3_2X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-2x-t3-[01].log`
-T4_2X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-2x-t4-[01].log`
-cat <<EOL
-2x Concurrent Run Averages
-  T1: $T1_2X_AVG us
-  T2: $T2_2X_AVG us
-  T3: $T3_2X_AVG us
-  T3: $T4_2X_AVG us
-# allow console to update
-sleep 1
-run_thread_groups 4
-T1_4X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-4x-t1-[0-3].log`
-T2_4X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-4x-t2-[0-3].log`
-T3_4X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-4x-t3-[0-3].log`
-T4_4X_AVG=`parse_avg_avg pcl-4x-t4-[0-3].log`
-cat <<EOL
-4x Concurrent Run Averages
-  T1: $T1_4X_AVG us
-  T2: $T2_4X_AVG us
-  T3: $T3_4X_AVG us
-  T3: $T4_4X_AVG us
-# Calculate the percent error
-# %err = 100*(max-min)/min
-T1_ERR=`percent_error $T1_1X_AVG $T1_2X_AVG $T1_4X_AVG`
-T2_ERR=`percent_error $T2_1X_AVG $T2_2X_AVG $T2_4X_AVG`
-T3_ERR=`percent_error $T3_1X_AVG $T3_2X_AVG $T3_4X_AVG`
-T4_ERR=`percent_error $T4_1X_AVG $T4_2X_AVG $T4_4X_AVG`
-cat <<EOL
-Thread Runtime Percent Differences
-  T1: $T1_ERR%
-  T2: $T2_ERR%
-  T3: $T3_ERR%
-  T4: $T4_ERR%
-pass_criteria $T1_ERR $T2_ERR $T3_ERR $T4_ERR
-if [ $PASS -eq 1 ]; then
-    RET=0
-    RET=1
-printf "\nTest complete, see logs pcl-\$CONCURRENTx-t\$THREAD-\$NUM.log for detailed results.\n"
-echo "Criteria: < 10% Difference in average runs"
-echo "Result: $RESULT"
-exit $RET

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