[LTP] [PATCH v3 1/4] syscalls/ipc: add newipc library for new API

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Wed Dec 14 10:19:08 CET 2016

> So the correct way how to fix this issue is to add the libnewipc to the
> FILTER_OUT_DIRS and create Makefile2.inc similar to Makefile.inc. I will
> change the first patch to do exactly that and push the patchset.

And I've pushed the patches, thanks.

I've added Makefile2.inc and also added clean target to the top level
Makefile so that the libnewipc is cleaned up on make clean.

And also merged the three msgget patches into one, since once the
Makefile.inc is changed for Makefile2.inc in the Makefile the rest of
the msgget testcases fails to build, which breaks bisecting. Ideally
each commit should leave the tree in a state that at least compiles

Cyril Hrubis

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