[LTP] [PATCH v2 3/4] ltp/numa: reconstruct these testcases

Li Wang liwang@redhat.com
Wed Dec 14 11:09:03 CET 2016

These case occasionally failed on RHEL platform:

 numa02      2  TFAIL  :  ltpapicmd.c:200: Test #2: NUMA hit and othernode increase in node0 is less than expected
 numa03      3  TFAIL  :  ltpapicmd.c:200: Test #3: NUMA interleave hit in node0 is less than expected
 numa08      8  TFAIL  :  ltpapicmd.c:200: Test #8: NUMA interleave hit in node0 is less than expected

>From git log (commit e439df0ea74231), it says "In RHEL collection of
istics take more time", and add sleep 2s in the case. I looked
into the detail and found that's reasonable, numastat growing slowly on
RHEL system, therefore tests failed with numastate update uncompleted.
Despite all that, sleeping 2 sec still working bad during my test.

In this patch, reconstruct the whole tests in a new method which detect
numa statistics more precisely by command 'numastat -p $pid'.

The worth to say, I take use of Cyril's proposal to add a few lines of
code to the numa helper so that it can test the share memory just like
the command blow does:

 `numactl --length=1M --file /dev/shm/numa_shm --interleave=all --touch`

And, the orignal test7() has been removed, replaced by a new test for share
memory allocated on preferred numa node(see: test3).

Signed-off-by: Li Wang <liwang@redhat.com>
 testcases/kernel/numa/README         |  17 +-
 testcases/kernel/numa/numa01.sh      | 450 ++++++++++++-----------------------
 testcases/kernel/numa/support_numa.c |  51 +++-
 3 files changed, 210 insertions(+), 308 deletions(-)

diff --git a/testcases/kernel/numa/README b/testcases/kernel/numa/README
index 6f04f0c..57b12f7 100644
--- a/testcases/kernel/numa/README
+++ b/testcases/kernel/numa/README
@@ -26,24 +26,23 @@ Verifies the preferred node memory policy which will allocate memory from the no
 testcase will use the support_numa process for the verfication.
-Verifies the memory interleaving policy which will distribute the memory evenly among all nodes. This
+Verifies the preferred node memory policy which will allocate shared memory from the node we specify. This
 testcase will use the support_numa process for the verfication.
-Verifies the physical cpu affinity which runs the process support_numa on the specified physical cpu number.
+Verifies the memory interleaving policy which will distribute the memory evenly among all nodes. This
+testcase will use the support_numa process for the verfication.
-Verifies the local allocation policy which always allocates memory from the local node. This testcase
-will use the support_numa process for the verfication.
+Verifies the memory interleaving policy which will distribute the memory evenly among all nodes. This
+testcase will use the support_numa process for the verfication.
-Verifies the memory interleaving policy on the shared memory which will interleave the shared memory on
-all nodes equally. Here, the testcase use touch command instead of running a seperate process to verify
-the policy applied.
+Verifies the physical cpu affinity which runs the process support_numa on the specified physical cpu number.
-Verifies the memory interleaving policy which will distribute the memory evenly among all nodes. This
-testcase will use the numademo for the verfication.
+Verifies the local allocation policy which always allocates memory from the local node. This testcase
+will use the support_numa process for the verfication.
 Verifies the memory interleaving policy which will distribute the memory evenly among all nodes. This
diff --git a/testcases/kernel/numa/numa01.sh b/testcases/kernel/numa/numa01.sh
index bbfaded..39f3af5 100755
--- a/testcases/kernel/numa/numa01.sh
+++ b/testcases/kernel/numa/numa01.sh
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
 # Description:  Test Basic functionality of numactl command.                 #
 #               Test #1: Verifies cpunodebind and membind                    #
 #               Test #2: Verifies preferred node bind for memory allocation  #
-#               Test #3: Verifies memory interleave on all nodes             #
-#               Test #4: Verifies physcpubind                                #
-#               Test #5: Verifies localalloc                                 #
-#               Test #6: Verifies memory policies on shared memory           #
-#               Test #7: Verifies numademo                                   #
+#               Test #3: Verifies share memory allocation on preferred node  #
+#               Test #4: Verifies memory interleave on all nodes             #
+#               Test #5: Verifies share memory interleave on all nodes       #
+#               Test #6: Verifies physcpubind                                #
+#               Test #7: Verifies localalloc                                 #
 #               Test #8: Verifies memhog                                     #
 #               Test #9: Verifies numa_node_size api                         #
 #               Test #10:Verifies Migratepages                               #
@@ -44,85 +44,34 @@ TST_NEEDS_CMDS="numactl numastat awk"
 . tst_test.sh
-# Function:     extract_numastat
+# Function:     extract_numastat_p
-# Description:  - extract the value of given row, column from the numastat output.
+# Description:  - extract the value of given numa node from the `numastat -p` output.
-# Input:        - $1 - row number.
-#               - $2 - column number.
+# Input:        - $1 - Pid number.
+#               - $2 - Node number.
-	RC=0
-	# check whether numastat output is changed
-	numastat > numalog
-	RC=$(awk '
-	{ if ( NR == '$2' ){
-		print $1;
-		}
-	}
-	' numalog)
-	if [ $RC != $1 ]
-	then
-		tst_brk TBROK "numastat o/p seems to be changed, $1 expected to be in the row $2"
-	fi
-	RC=$(awk '
-	{ if ( NR == '$2' ){
-		print $'$3';
-		}
-	}
-	' numalog)
+	local 	pid=$1
+	local 	node=$(($2 + 2))
-	rm -f numalog
-	echo $RC
-# Function:     comparelog
-# Description:  - return the difference of input arguments if they are in
-#                 increasing order.
-# Input:        - $1 - original value.
-#               - $2 - changed value.
-# Return:       - difference of arguments on success.
-	if [ $2 -gt $1 ]; then
-		RC=$(($2-$1))
-	else
-		RC=0
-	fi
-	echo $RC
+	echo $(numastat -p $pid |grep '^Total' |awk '{print $'$node'}')
 # Function: setup
-# Description:  - Check if command required for this test exits.
-#               - Initialize global variables.
+# Description:  - Initialize global variables.
 	export MB=$((1024*1024))
 	export PAGE_SIZE=$(getconf PAGE_SIZE)
-	# row definitions, pls see at the top of this file
-	numa_hit=2
-	numa_miss=3
-	numa_foreign=4
-	interleave_hit=5
-	local_node=6
-	other_node=7
 	# arguments to memory exercise program support_numa.c
 	total_nodes=0       # total no. of numa nodes
 	# all availiable nodes id list
@@ -130,43 +79,37 @@ setup()
 	for node in $nodes_list; do
 	tst_res TINFO "The system contains $total_nodes nodes: $nodes_list"
 	if [ $total_nodes -le 1 ]; then
-		tst_res TCONF "your machine does not support numa policy
+		tst_brk TCONF "your machine does not support numa policy
 		or your machine is not a NUMA machine"
-		exit 0
 # Function:     test1
-# Description:  - Verification of local node and memory affinity
+# Description:  - Verification of memory allocated on a node
-	RC=0                # Return value from commands.
-	Prev_value=0        # extracted from the numastat o/p
-	Curr_value=0        # Current value extracted from numastat o/p
-	Exp_incr=0          # 1 MB/ PAGESIZE
-	col=0
+	Mem_curr=0
-	# Increase in numastat o/p is interms of pages
-	Exp_incr=$((MB/PAGE_SIZE))
 	for node in $nodes_list; do
-		col=$((COUNTER+1))		# Node number in numastat o/p
-		Prev_value=$(extract_numastat local_node $local_node $col)
-		numactl --cpunodebind=$node --membind=$node support_numa $ALLOC_1MB
-		Curr_value=$(extract_numastat local_node $local_node $col)
+		numactl --cpunodebind=$node --membind=$node support_numa $ALLOC_1MB &
+		pid=$!
+		# Wait a little msec for memory allocating in background
+		tst_sleep 100ms
-		RC=$(comparelog $Prev_value $Curr_value)
-		if [ $RC -lt $Exp_incr ]; then
+		Mem_curr=$(echo "$(extract_numastat_p $pid $node) * $MB" |bc)
+		if [ $(echo "$Mem_curr < $MB" | bc) -eq 1 ]; then
 			tst_res TFAIL \
-				"NUMA hit and localnode increase in node$node is less than expected"
+				"NUMA memory allocated in node$node is less than expected"
+		kill -18 $pid 2>&1 >/dev/null
 	tst_res TPASS "NUMA local node and memory affinity -TEST01 PASSED !!"
@@ -174,43 +117,35 @@ test1()
 # Function:     test2
-# Description:  - Verification of memory allocated from preferred node
+# Description:  - Verification of memory allocated on preferred node
-	RC=0                # Return value from commands.
-	Prev_value=0        # extracted from the numastat o/p
-	Curr_value=0        # Current value extracted from numastat o/p
-	Exp_incr=0          # 1 MB/ PAGESIZE
-	col=0
-	# Increase in numastat o/p is interms of pages
-	Exp_incr=$((MB/PAGE_SIZE))
+	Mem_curr=0
 	for node in $nodes_list; do
-		if [ $COUNTER -eq $total_nodes ]   #wrap up for last node
-		then
+		if [ $COUNTER -eq $total_nodes ]; then   #wrap up for last node
 			Preferred_node=$(echo $nodes_list | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
-			col=2			   #column represents node0 in numastat o/p
 			# always next node is preferred node
 			Preferred_node=$(echo $nodes_list | cut -d ' ' -f $((COUNTER+1)))
-			col=$((COUNTER+2))         #Preferred Node number in numastat o/p
-		Prev_value=$(extract_numastat other_node $other_node $col)
-		numactl --cpunodebind=$node --preferred=$Preferred_node support_numa $ALLOC_1MB
+		numactl --cpunodebind=$node --preferred=$Preferred_node support_numa $ALLOC_1MB &
+		pid=$!
+		tst_sleep 100ms
-		Curr_value=$(extract_numastat other_node $other_node $col)
-		RC=$(comparelog $Prev_value $Curr_value)
-		if [ $RC -lt $Exp_incr ]; then
+		Mem_curr=$(echo "$(extract_numastat_p $pid $Preferred_node) * $MB" |bc)
+		if [ $(echo "$Mem_curr < $MB" |bc ) -eq 1 ]; then
 			tst_res TFAIL \
-				"NUMA hit and othernode increase in node$node is less than expected"
+				"NUMA memory allocated in node$Preferred_node is less than expected"
+		kill -18 $pid 2>&1 >/dev/null
 	tst_res TPASS "NUMA preferred node policy -TEST02 PASSED !!"
@@ -218,53 +153,103 @@ test2()
 # Function:     test3
-# Description:  - Verification of memory interleaved on all nodes
+# Description:  - Verification of share memory allocated on preferred node
-	RC=0                # Return value from commands.
-	Prev_value=0        # extracted from the numastat o/p
-	Pstr_value=""       # string contains previous value of all nodes
-	Curr_value=0        # Current value extracted from numastat o/p
-	Exp_incr=0          # 1 MB/ (PAGESIZE*num_of_nodes)
-	col=0
-	# Increase in numastat o/p is interms of pages
-	Exp_incr=$((MB/PAGE_SIZE))
-	# Pages will be allocated using round robin on nodes.
-	Exp_incr=$((Exp_incr/total_nodes))
-	# Check whether the pages are equally distributed among available nodes
+	Mem_curr=0
 	for node in $nodes_list; do
-		col=$((COUNTER+1))              #Node number in numastat o/p
-		Prev_value=$(extract_numastat interleave_hit $interleave_hit $col)
-		Pstr_value+="$Prev_value "
+		if [ $COUNTER -eq $total_nodes ]   #wrap up for last node
+		then
+			Preferred_node=$(echo $nodes_list | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
+		else
+			# always next node is preferred node
+			Preferred_node=$(echo $nodes_list | cut -d ' ' -f $((COUNTER+1)))
+		fi
+		numactl --cpunodebind=$node --preferred=$Preferred_node support_numa $SHARE_1MB &
+		pid=$!
+		tst_sleep 100ms
+		Mem_curr=$(echo "$(extract_numastat_p $pid $Preferred_node) * $MB" |bc)
+		if [ $(echo "$Mem_curr < $MB" |bc ) -eq 1 ]; then
+			tst_res TFAIL \
+				"NUMA share memory allocated in node$Preferred_node is less than expected"
+			return
+		fi
+		kill -18 $pid 2>&1 >/dev/null
-	numactl --interleave=all support_numa $ALLOC_1MB
+	tst_res TPASS "NUMA share memory allocated in preferred node -TEST03 PASSED !!"
+# Function:     test4
+# Description:  - Verification of memory interleaved on all nodes
+	Mem_curr=0
+	# Memory will be allocated using round robin on nodes.
+	Exp_incr=$(echo "$MB / $total_nodes" |bc)
+	numactl --interleave=all support_numa $ALLOC_1MB &
+	pid=$!
+	tst_sleep 100ms
 	for node in $nodes_list; do
-		col=$((COUNTER+1))             #Node number in numastat o/p
-		Curr_value=$(extract_numastat interleave_hit $interleave_hit $col)
-		RC=$(comparelog $(echo $Pstr_value | cut -d ' ' -f $COUNTER) $Curr_value)
-		if [ $RC -lt $Exp_incr ]; then
+		Mem_curr=$(echo "$(extract_numastat_p $pid $node) * $MB" |bc)
+		if [ $(echo "$Mem_curr < $Exp_incr" |bc ) -eq 1 ]; then
 			tst_res TFAIL \
-				"NUMA interleave hit in node$node is less than expected"
+				"NUMA interleave memory allocated in node$node is less than expected"
-	tst_res TPASS "NUMA interleave policy -TEST03 PASSED !!"
+	kill -18 $pid 2>&1 >/dev/null
+	tst_res TPASS "NUMA interleave policy -TEST04 PASSED !!"
-# Function:     test4
+# Function:     test5
+# Description:  - Verification of shared memory interleaved on all nodes
+	Mem_curr=0
+	# Memory will be allocated using round robin on nodes.
+	Exp_incr=$(echo "$MB / $total_nodes" |bc)
+	numactl --interleave=all support_numa $SHARE_1MB &
+	pid=$!
+	tst_sleep 100ms
+	for node in $nodes_list; do
+		Mem_curr=$(echo "$(extract_numastat_p $pid $node) * $MB" |bc)
+		if [ $(echo "$Mem_curr < $Exp_incr" |bc ) -eq 1 ]; then
+			tst_res TFAIL \
+				"NUMA interleave share memory allocated in node$node is less than expected"
+			return
+		fi
+	done
+	kill -18 $pid 2>&1 >/dev/null
+	tst_res TPASS "NUMA interleave policy on shared memory -TEST05 PASSED !!"
+# Function:     test6
 # Description:  - Verification of physical cpu bind
 	no_of_cpus=0	#no. of cpu's exist
@@ -294,181 +279,61 @@ test4()
 		tst_brk TBROK "Kill on process $pid fails"
-	tst_res TPASS "NUMA phycpubind policy -TEST04 PASSED !!"
+	tst_res TPASS "NUMA phycpubind policy -TEST06 PASSED !!"
-# Function:     test5
+# Function:     test7
 # Description:  - Verification of local node allocation
-	RC=0                # Return value from commands.
-	Prev_value=0        # extracted from the numastat o/p
-	Curr_value=0        # Current value extracted from numastat o/p
-	Exp_incr=0          # 1 MB/ PAGESIZE
-	col=0
+	Mem_curr=0
-	# Increase in numastat o/p is interms of pages
-	Exp_incr=$((MB/PAGE_SIZE))
 	for node in $nodes_list; do
-		col=$((COUNTER+1))               #Node number in numastat o/p
-		Prev_value=$(extract_numastat local_node $local_node $col)
-		numactl --cpunodebind=$node --localalloc support_numa $ALLOC_1MB
-		Curr_value=$(extract_numastat local_node $local_node $col)
-		RC=$(comparelog $Prev_value $Curr_value)
-		if [ $RC -lt $Exp_incr ]; then
-			tst_res TFAIL \
-				"NUMA hit and localnode increase in node$node is less than expected"
-			return
-		fi
-	done
-	tst_res TPASS "NUMA local node allocation -TEST05 PASSED !!"
-# Function:     test6
-# Description:  - Verification of shared memory interleaved on all nodes
-	RC=0                # Return value from commands.
-	Prev_value=0        # extracted from the numastat o/p
-	Pstr_value=""       # string contains previous value of all nodes
-	Curr_value=0        # Current value extracted from numastat o/p
-	Exp_incr=0          # 1 MB/ (PAGESIZE*num_of_nodes)
-	col=0
-	# Increase in numastat o/p is interms of pages
-	Exp_incr=$((MB/PAGE_SIZE))
-	# Pages will be allocated using round robin on nodes.
-	Exp_incr=$((Exp_incr/total_nodes))
-	# Check whether the pages are equally distributed among available nodes
-	for node in $nodes_list; do
-		col=$((COUNTER+1))              #Node number in numastat o/p
-		Prev_value=$(extract_numastat numa_hit $numa_hit $col)
-		Pstr_value+="$Prev_value "
-	done
-	numactl --length=1M --file /dev/shm/ltp_numa_shm --interleave=all --touch
+		numactl --cpunodebind=$node --localalloc support_numa $ALLOC_1MB &
+		pid=$!
+		tst_sleep 100ms
-	for node in $nodes_list; do
-		col=$((COUNTER+1))              #Node number in numastat o/p
-		Curr_value=$(extract_numastat numa_hit $numa_hit $col)
-		RC=$(comparelog $(echo $Pstr_value | cut -d ' ' -f $COUNTER) $Curr_value)
-		if [ $RC -lt $Exp_incr ]; then
+		Mem_curr=$(echo "$(extract_numastat_p $pid $node) * $MB" |bc)
+		if [ $(echo "$Mem_curr < $MB" |bc ) -eq 1 ]; then
 			tst_res TFAIL \
-				"NUMA numa_hit for shm file ltp_numa_shm in node$node is less than expected"
+				"NUMA localnode memory allocated in node$node is less than expected"
-	done
-	tst_res TPASS "NUMA interleave policy on shared memory -TEST06 PASSED !!"
-	RC=0
-	rm -r /dev/shm/ltp_numa_shm || RC=$?
-	if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then
-		tst_res TFAIL "Failed removing shared memory file ltp_numa_shm"
-	fi
-# Function:     test7
-# Description:  - Verification of numademo
-	RC=0                # Return value from commands.
-	Prev_value=0        # extracted from the numastat o/p
-	Pstr_value=""       # string contains previous value of all nodes
-	Curr_value=0        # Current value extracted from numastat o/p
-	Exp_incr=0          # 1 MB/ (PAGESIZE*num_of_nodes)
-	col=0
-	msize=1000
-	KB=1024
-	# Increase in numastat o/p is interms of pages
-	Exp_incr=$(($((KB * msize))/PAGE_SIZE))
-	# Pages will be allocated using round robin on nodes.
-	Exp_incr=$((Exp_incr/total_nodes))
-	# Check whether the pages are equally distributed among available nodes
-	for node in $nodes_list; do
-		col=$((COUNTER+1))              #Node number in numastat o/p
-		Prev_value=$(extract_numastat interleave_hit $interleave_hit $col)
-		Pstr_value+="$Prev_value "
+		kill -18 $pid 2>&1 >/dev/null
-	numademo -c ${msize}k > gdemolog
-	x=0
-	for node in $nodes_list; do
-		col=$((COUNTER+1))              #Node number in numastat o/p
-		Curr_value=$(extract_numastat interleave_hit $interleave_hit $col)
-		RC=$(comparelog $(echo $Pstr_value | cut -d ' ' -f $COUNTER) $Curr_value)
-		if [ $RC -le $Exp_incr ]; then
-			x=1
-			break;
-		fi
-	done
-	if [ $x -eq 0 ]; then
-		tst_res TPASS "NUMADEMO policies  -TEST07 PASSED !!"
-	else
-		tst_res TFAIL "NUMA interleave hit is less than expected"
-	fi
+	tst_res TPASS "NUMA local node allocation -TEST07 PASSED !!"
 # Function:     test8
 # Description:  - Verification of memhog with interleave policy
-	RC=0                # Return value from commands.
-	Prev_value=0        # extracted from the numastat o/p
-	Pstr_value=""       # string contains previous value of all nodes
-	Curr_value=0        # Current value extracted from numastat o/p
-	Exp_incr=0          # 1 MB/ (PAGESIZE*num_of_nodes)
-	col=0
-	# Increase in numastat o/p is interms of pages
-	Exp_incr=$((MB/$PAGE_SIZE))
-	# Pages will be allocated using round robin on nodes.
-	Exp_incr=$((Exp_incr/total_nodes))
-	# Check whether the pages are equally distributed among available nodes
-	for node in $nodes_list; do
-		col=$((COUNTER+1))              #Node number in numastat o/p
-		Prev_value=$(extract_numastat interleave_hit $interleave_hit $col)
-		Pstr_value+="$Prev_value "
-	done
-	numactl --interleave=all memhog 1MB
+	Mem_curr=0
+	# Memory will be allocated using round robin on nodes.
+	Exp_incr=$(echo "$MB / $total_nodes" |bc)
+	numactl --interleave=all memhog -r1000000 1MB 2>&1 >/dev/null  &
+	pid=$!
+	tst_sleep 100ms
 	for node in $nodes_list; do
-		col=$((COUNTER+1))              #Node number in numastat o/p
-		Curr_value=$(extract_numastat interleave_hit $interleave_hit $col)
-		RC=$(comparelog $(echo $Pstr_value | cut -d ' ' -f $COUNTER) $Curr_value)
-		if [ $RC -lt $Exp_incr ]; then
+		Mem_curr=$(echo "$(extract_numastat_p $pid $node) * $MB" |bc)
+		if [ $(echo "$Mem_curr < $Exp_incr" |bc ) -eq 1 ]; then
 			tst_res TFAIL \
-				"NUMA interleave hit in node$node is less than expected"
+				"NUMA interleave memhog in node$node is less than expected"
+	kill -9 $pid 2>&1 >/dev/null
 	tst_res TPASS "NUMA MEMHOG policy -TEST08 PASSED !!"
@@ -513,33 +378,32 @@ test9()
-	RC=0
-	Prev_value=0
-	Curr_value=0
+	Mem_curr=0
 	for node in $nodes_list; do
 		if [ $COUNTER -eq $total_nodes ]; then
-			Preferred_node=`echo $nodes_list | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
-			col=2
+			Preferred_node=$(echo $nodes_list | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
-			Preferred_node=`echo $nodes_list | cut -d ' ' -f $[$COUNTER+1]`
-			col=$((COUNTER+2))
+			Preferred_node=$(echo $nodes_list | cut -d ' ' -f $((COUNTER+1)))
-		Prev_value=$(extract_numastat other_node $other_node $col)
-		numactl --preferred=$node support_numa $PAUSE &
+		numactl --preferred=$node support_numa $ALLOC_1MB &
+		tst_sleep 100ms
 		migratepages $pid $node $Preferred_node
-		Curr_value=$(extract_numastat other_node $other_node $col)
-		kill -9 $pid
-		if [ $Curr_value -lt $Prev_value ]; then
+		Mem_curr=$(echo "$(extract_numastat_p $pid $Preferred_node) * $MB" |bc)
+		if [ $(echo "$Mem_curr < $MB" |bc ) -eq 1 ]; then
 			tst_res TFAIL \
 				"NUMA migratepages is not working fine"
+		kill -18 $pid 2>&1 >/dev/null
diff --git a/testcases/kernel/numa/support_numa.c b/testcases/kernel/numa/support_numa.c
index c8064e2..82c9353 100644
--- a/testcases/kernel/numa/support_numa.c
+++ b/testcases/kernel/numa/support_numa.c
@@ -35,21 +35,27 @@
 #include <signal.h>
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
 /* Global Variables */
 #define MB (1<<20)
 #define PAGE_SIZE getpagesize()
 #define barrier() __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory")
+#define TEST_SFILE "ltp_numa_testfile"
+#define STR "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12345\n"
 void sigfunc(__attribute__ ((unused)) int sig)
-void help()
+void help(void)
 	printf("Input:	Describe input arguments to this program\n");
-	printf("	argv[1] == 1 then print pagesize\n");
-	printf("	argv[1] == 2 then allocate 1MB of memory\n");
+	printf("	argv[1] == 1 then allocate 1MB of memory\n");
+	printf("	argv[1] == 2 then allocate 1MB of share memory\n");
 	printf("	argv[1] == 3 then pause the program to catch sigint\n");
 	printf("Exit:	On failure - Exits with non-zero value\n");
 	printf("	On success - exits with 0 exit value\n");
@@ -59,8 +65,9 @@ void help()
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	int i;
+	int i, fd, rc;
 	char *buf = NULL;
+	struct stat sb;
 	struct sigaction sa;
 	if (argc != 2) {
@@ -79,9 +86,39 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 			buf[i] = 'a';
+		raise(SIGSTOP);
-		return 0;
+		break;
 	case 2:
+		fd = open(TEST_SFILE, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666);
+		/* Writing 1MB of random data into this file [32 * 32768 = 1024 * 1024] */
+		for (i = 0; i < 32768; i++){
+			rc = write(fd, STR, strlen(STR));
+			if (rc == -1 || ((size_t)rc != strlen(STR)))
+				fprintf(stderr, "write failed\n");
+		}
+		if ((fstat(fd, &sb)) == -1)
+			fprintf(stderr, "fstat failed\n");
+		buf = mmap(NULL, sb.st_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
+		if (buf == MAP_FAILED){
+			fprintf(stderr, "mmap failed\n");
+			close(fd);
+			exit(1);
+		}
+		memset(buf, 'a', sb.st_size);
+		raise(SIGSTOP);
+		munmap(buf, sb.st_size);
+		close(fd);
+		remove(TEST_SFILE);
+		break;
+	case 3:
 		/* Trap SIGINT */
 		sa.sa_handler = sigfunc;
 		sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
@@ -92,8 +129,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 		/* wait for signat Int */
-		return 0;
+		break;
+	return 0;

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