[LTP] [PATCHv3 3/3] network/stress/icmp: use ip xfrm for icmp4-uni-basic01 ipsec testing

Alexey Kodanev alexey.kodanev@oracle.com
Wed Mar 30 14:41:36 CEST 2016


On 03/28/2016 05:33 PM, Hangbin Liu wrote:
> Hi Alexey,
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 01:09:02PM +0300, Alexey Kodanev wrote:
>> Looking at the tests structure there... basically, one file implements
>> test-cases
>> and the rest scripts source the first one along with changing a few
>> parameters.
>> I think it's better to leave only one file there and remove the rest.
>> icmp4-uni-basic01 -> icmp-uni-basic.
>> May be moving them all to the upper directory, so in the end we should have
>> only 3 tests:
>> icmp_multi_diffip.sh
>> icmp_multi_diffnic.sh
>> icmp_uni_basic.sh
>> Then, we could define each test-case in "runtests/", using env vars and
>> parameters.
> Does it looks like
> icmp4-uni-basic01 icmp-uni-basic
> icmp4-uni-basic02 DO_IPSEC=true IPSEC_PROTO=ah IPSEC_MODE=transport ICMP_SIZE_ARRAY="10 100 1000 10000 65483"; icmp-uni-basic
> ...
> icmp6-uni-basic01 icmp-uni-basic -6
> icmp6-uni-basic02 DO_IPSEC=true IPSEC_PROTO=ah IPSEC_MODE=transport ICMP_SIZE_ARRAY="10 100 1000 10000 65503"; icmp-uni-basic -6

Or something like network/virt_lib.sh does with getopts, so instead of 
environment variables we would have easy to look at runtest lines, e.g.:

icmp6-uni-basic01 icmp-uni-basic -6
icmp6-uni-basic02 icmp-uni-basic -6 -p ah -m transport -s "10 100 1000 10000 65503"

>>>> BTW, does the attached patch help in the first case (added export to
>>>> TST_IPV6)?
>>> I'm afraid not. I'd tried to use like
>>> icmp4-uni-basic01 icmp4-uni-basic01
>>> icmp6-uni-basic01 icmp4-uni-basic01 -6
>>> Then I find this is not only different of IP version, ipsec protocol, mode. But
>>> also different message sizes. So I give up to use like that.
>>>>>> -# Run a client
>>>>>> -$LTP_RSH $RHOST "${LTPROOT}/testcases/bin/ns-echoclient -S $lhost_addr -f $IP_VER -s \"$ICMP_SIZE_ARRAY\"" &
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -sleep $NS_DURATION
>>>>>> -killall_icmp_traffic
>>>>>> -wait
>>>>>> +# Make sure the connectvity
>>>>>> +for msg_size in $ICMP_SIZE_ARRAY; do
>>>>>> +    tst_ping $lhost_ifname $rhost_addr $msg_size
>>>>>> +    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
>>>>>> +        tst_brkm TBROK "There is no IPv$IP_VER connectivity with msg_size $msg_size"
>>>>>> +    else
>>>>>> +        tst_resm TPASS "There has IPv$IP_VER connectivity with msg_size $msg_size"
>>>>>> +    fi
>>>>>> +done
>>>>>> Is it really needed to ping with different message sizes? if yes, we
>>>>>> couldadd this
>>>>>> functionality to tst_ping().
>>>>> Yes, we need to make sure ipsec can handle all kinds of message size. But we
>>>>> could not make it in tst_ping because ah/esp and tunnel/transport have
>>>>> different header length. e.g. when there is no ipsec, the max playload is
>>>>> 65507. If we test ah + transport, the max playload is 65483. etc. It's hard to
>>>>> make tst_ping to handle all these scenarios.
>>>> I thought we could add variable length parameters, something like this
>>>> tst_ping p1 ... pN $ICMP_SIZE_ARRAY
>>>> tst_ping()
>>>> {
>>>>      local msg_sizes=${@:N+1}
>>>>      for size in msg_sizes; do
>>>>      ...
>>>> }
>>> I think tst_ping() is a unit test to check the connectivity, we do not need to
>>> add everything inside. Most time we only need to make sure the rhost is
>>> online. Let's make the test case deside what message size they want to test.
>>> How to you think?
>> I still think we should add it to the library. tst_ping replaces
>> 'icmp4/6_check_connectivity'. And adding variable message size there,
>> will replace ns-echoclient library tool.
> I did't find icmp4/6_check_connectivity will do icmp msg_size check. But anyway,
> here is a msg_sizes version. how do you think? should we use ROD ping... directly?

It's in "ns-echoclient".

About ROD in tst_ping()... may be we shouldn't use it here. It's quite 
to call "ROD tst_ping" anyway.

Also I'm not sure we won't have tests that pass on failed ping. For example,
vxlan tests set different IDs and check that there is no connectivity. 
In this particular cases,
the test shouldn't exit with TBROK but return TPASS status. We could 
simply return ping
status here and let test to decide what to do next.

> tst_ping()
> {
>          # The max number of ICMP echo request
>          PING_MAX=${PING_MAX:-"10"}
>          local src_iface=${1:-"$(tst_iface)"}
>          local dst_addr=${2:-"$(tst_ipaddr rhost)"}
>          # ping cmd use 56 as default message size
>          local msg_sizes=${3:-"56"}

local msg_sizes=${@:3}

for size in ${msg_sizes:-"56"}; do

Best regards,

>          for size in $msg_sizes; do
>                  ping$TST_IPV6 -I $src_iface -c $PING_MAX $dst_addr \
>                          -s $msg_size > /dev/null 2>&1
>                  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
>                          tst_brkm TBROK "There is no IPv${IP_VER:-4} connectivity with msg_size $msg_size"
>                  else
>                          tst_resm TPASS "There is IPv${IP_VER:-4} connectivity with msg_size $msg_size"
>                  fi
>          done
> }
> Thanks & Best Regards
> Hangbin Liu

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