[LTP] [RFC] [PATCH v2] lib32: Add support for linking 32bit programs on 64bit

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Fri Apr 7 13:44:54 CEST 2017

> Build still fails however, because of missing 32-bit libraries, but that is
> just because the headers are present for the 64-bit lib and a lot of tests
> will try to build so long as the headers are there. I guess it would be better
> to also check that we can link as well, which some tests appear to do. I think
> it is quite a reasonable workaround to just install the libs though assuming
> that they will all usually be available if any 32-bit libs are.

We may try to fix the build system to try linking with the libraries as
well but that is unrelated problem that is there from the start.

Cyril Hrubis

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