[LTP] Correlation between test cases and .c files
Jonatas Bastos
Sun Apr 30 23:19:57 CEST 2017
We asked you about the testcases and their code. During our analysis we
need to link the testcase name located at each lines of the files at runtest/
folder and its .c or .sh file. We saw that some tests (first word of each
line) did not have any .c or .sh with the same name. Could you please
explain it? There is no .c or .sh file for each line of runtest/ directory
files? How can I correlate testscase with .c file that contain the test
case ?
On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 10:22 AM, Cyril Hrubis <chrubis@suse.cz> wrote:
> Hi!
> > I`m a PhD student interested in run some studies with the different LTP
> > releases. I would like to know how can I correlate tests cases with .c
> file
> > that contain the test case ?
> > All test cases listed in runtest/ directory. each file in side it
> contains
> > the list of test.
> The runtest file syntax is simple:
> * Start of the line until first whitespace is test id
> the rest of the line is command line to be executed
> * Every line starting with # is comment
> > For example: ltp-20011206 the file crashme in the runtest/ directory
> > contains
> >
> > # Before running these: BACKUP YOUR SYSTEM! you've been warned!
> > f00f f00f
> > # This is a simple test for handling of the pentium f00f bug.
> > # It is an example of a catistrophic test case. If the system
> > # doesn't correctly handle this test, it will likely lockup.
> > crash01 crash01
> > # Generate random code and execute it. Read f00f comment,
> > # this test lockup SunOS,WindowsNT,etc. in seconds..
> > crash02 crash02
> > # Generate random syscalls and execute them, less probability
> > # to hose your system, but still.
> > mem01 mem01 -r
> > # Memory eater. Loves to be run in parallel with other programs.
> > # May panic on buggy systems if the OOM killer was not fast enough :-)
> > proc01 proc01
> > # Read every file in /proc. Not likely to crash, but does enough
> > # to disturb the kernel. A good kernel latency killer too.
> >
> > Where the relations between f001 test case and the respective test file
> > (code) is established ? I need to inspect the code for each test case and
> > get some metrics.
> All test binaries are installed into a single directory. To get the test
> source you need to locate the executable name in the command line part
> of the corresponding line, then do something as find -name foo* in the
> LTP source tree. You will likely end up either with C source or a shell
> script.
> --
> Cyril Hrubis
> chrubis@suse.cz
Jonatas Bastos
------------------------------------------------------------ --------
Professor de Computação no Instituto Federal (IFBA)
M.Sc. Computer Science - CIn/UFPE
skype: jonatasfbastos
gtalk: jonatasfbastos@...
“Face your fears, live your dreams"
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