[LTP] [RFC PATCH 3/3] build.sh: Allow to overwrite prefix

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Wed Dec 13 17:12:00 CET 2017

> Yes. It works well how it is, I just find it quite unusual not to use getopt(s). And
> mixing parameters with and without '-' as I did is bad.
> Whole point of these changes is to make the script usable also for local development
> (sometimes one may want to run two builds, thats why it's good to allow overwrite prefix).
> Maybe I should have used getopts short option with values, even I don't like short values:
> ./build.sh [ -t 32|cross|out ] [ -p PREFIX_DIR ] [ -c CC ]

This does not seem that bad to me.

I would like to avoid passing half of the parameters via argv and half
via env variables if possible.

> I decided leave out-of-tree on it's own (native only). But it would be possible to have
> e.g. out-of-tree 32-bit compilation, but I don't see much advantages for it.

I think that as well, the out/in tree build is orthogonal problem to the
compiler and it's unlikely that things would break.

Cyril Hrubis

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