[LTP] [PATCH] [RFC] zram01: Fix on ppc64le

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Thu Feb 9 15:00:42 CET 2017

> > > There is still one unsolved problem since the TWARN messages from the
> > > tst_device.c will trigger TBROK in tst_test.c since the IPC is not
> > > initialized. I'm still unsure how to fix that, maybe we should allow to
> > > allocate non-shared structure for the results in the special case that
> > > the library code is being reused in shell helpers.
> > 
> > Maybe we should just add an API to redirect tst_brk() and tst_res() so
> > that we could use library code in the various non-test utilities.
> Or drop that TBROK?

It's especially there for code that defines TST_NO_DEFAULT_MAIN but one
can argue that this is special case and if you define that macro you
should know what you are doing anyway...

But still I prefer to throw error message instead of segfaulting while
trying to deference NULL pointer.

> > Maybe
> > we could patch things up so that we could use SAFE_MACROS() in cleanup
> > as well...
> This should be doable with some flag we set in do_test_cleanup(), to skip
> further calls.

I'm nearly finished with RFC patch. The main problem is the
__attribute__((noreturn)) that has been added for various tst_brk*
variants. So in the end it looks like only solution is to do the
tst_brk_() redirection in the safe_macros.c, since we cannot return from
tst_brkm_() since the return address is not stored on stack because it
has noreturn attribute. And dropping the noreturn attribute from
tst_brkm_() is not an option either, since that generates a ton of
"control reaches end of non-void function" warnings.

But it's quite easy to define a macro or two that does the same
redirection as we do in tst_brkm_() so that we never reach the oldlib
code from safe_macros.c if newlib test is running.

Cyril Hrubis

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