[LTP] Running LTP on new filesystems

Akshatha Gangadharaiah agangadh@eng.ucsd.edu
Fri Jan 27 10:38:03 CET 2017

Hi everyone,

I am trying to run LTP on a new filesystem and am stuck in figuring out the right way to do this.

Specifically, if I have mounted my file system at /mnt/new-fs, I want to use this directory as mount point for all the filesystem tests.
I tried running by specifying this as the  -d TMPDIR  option ( -d /mnt/new-fs in runltp ) but I am not sure if this is the right way.

I don’t see any specific instructions on how to run LTP on new filesystems.
It will be a great help if someone points out the right way to do this or any documentation that might help.

Thanks for your time and patience,

Akshatha G

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