[LTP] [PATCH v2 5/6] syscalls: added memfd_create dir and memfd_create/memfd_create01.c

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Mar 7 14:21:48 CET 2017

> SAFE_MFD_NEW and others should go to "include/tst_safe_macros.h", right?

That one is too big at this point. And I guess that this call would not
be usefull anywhere else than this testsuite, so having it in local
header should be fine.

> If I undestand this correctly, negative testcases will have to stay in
> memfd_create_common.h. That means I can't use
> SAFE_ macros in those functions/macros, as that would obscure line
> numbers. And putting those elsewhere would duplicate a lot of code.

Hmm, we can always use the functions SAFE_MACROS call and pass filename
and line number explicitly.

#define FAIL_MFD_FOO(foo, bar) \
	fail_mfd_foo(__FILE__, __LINE__, foo, bar)

void fail_mfd_foo(const char *file, const int lineno, int foo, int bar)
	int ret;

	ret = safe_foo(file, lineno, foo);


Cyril Hrubis

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