[LTP] [PATCH 2/2] security/dirtyc0w: synchronize parent and child

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Fri Oct 6 13:37:44 CEST 2017

> > > +static const char *const resource_files[] = {
> > > +	TEST_APP,
> > > +	NULL,
> > > +};
> > 
> > I do not get why we need the test binary to be listed as resource file,
> > the rest seems OK to me.
> Since the test is using tmpdir, we either need exec*p* variant and
> set PATH or copy binary to tmpdir. I took inspiration from creat07.

We actually copy the binary for creat07 since are are trying to
overwrite it, which is supposed to fail, but I do not want to overwrite
the installed files in a case that the kernel is buggy.

> Copy approach is slightly more convenient when running test from git tree:
> # ./dirtyc0w
> But I can replace it with execvpe() - user would just need to setup PATH
> before running it from git tree:
> # env PATH=`pwd`:$PATH ./dirtyc0w

You are supposed to do that, but maybe we can add the code to change
PATH to the test library itself, so it will include $PWD automatically,
which would fix this problem for quite a lot of test without a need to
modify these. Or add a modified exec function to the test library that
locates the binary first.

Cyril Hrubis

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