[LTP] Ticket tracking system for LTP

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Apr 24 10:48:38 CEST 2018

> > * GitHub issues
> >   - probably the easiest solution
> >   - we can create a specific labels to sort these out
> >   - needs GitHub account which everybody has already
> >   - some operations could be done only by LTP project members
> >     I'm not sure if random users can add labels for example
> +1. It meets the requirements (except open source), and is already
> established. To be successful, LTP's github probably needs more
> curation. I see a lot of pull requests and issues opened for a long time
> without any action. This is true of any solution, of course.

Well I should be a bit more proactive there, most of the issues that
stay open for long time are these where the original author lost
interest in getting the changes upstream, quite a few of them could be
closed with "no response" at this point.

> Also, importantly, github is where the developers are (like it or not).


There were two responses so far with two +1 for GitHub so I suppose that
this is the way forward.

Cyril Hrubis

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