[LTP] [PATCH] setregid: use common user and group names.

Petr Vorel pvorel@suse.cz
Thu May 3 16:08:15 CEST 2018


> FIY this seems cause failures on Debian 9 where I do get failures:

> setregid03    1  TBROK  :  setregid03.c:198: nobody must be a valid group
> setregid03    2  TBROK  :  setregid03.c:198: Remaining cases broken

> setregid04    1  TBROK  :  setregid04.c:126: Couldn't find the `nobody' group
> setregid04    2  TBROK  :  setregid04.c:126: Remaining cases broken
Debian has nogroup as group for nobody. Sorry that I overlooked it in "1b7cf9474".

> I guess that we need a fallback if nobody group does not exist.
Check for "nogroup"?
Or allow to overwrite the group name with env. variable?

BTW I wonder why we need more users than just nobody/nobody or nobody/nogroup.
I'd be for having env. variable TST_USER and TST_GROUP, with helper, which would check for
them if they're not defined (similar we use in tst_net.sh), so user wouldn't have to care
for it.

BTW: code in IDcheck.sh expect difference in Debian, but that's useless (just to report
if ! fe "nobody" "$passwd" || ! (fe "nogroup" "$group" || fe "nobody" "$group")

Kind regards,

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