[LTP] runltp - error when using another tmp folder

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Wed May 16 11:10:07 CEST 2018

> Hum, I think the situation is a bit more complicated than that. The
> runltp code goes like this:
>             export TMPBASE=$(readlink -f ${OPTARG}) ;;
> [...]
>     # Added -m 777 for tests that call tst_tmpdir() and try to
>     #  write to it as user nobody
>     mkdir -m 777 -p $TMPBASE || \
>     {
>         echo "FATAL: Unable to make temporary directory $TMPBASE"
>         exit 1
>     }
>     # use mktemp to create "safe" temporary directories
>     TMP=`mktemp -d $TMPTEMPLATE` || \
>     {
>         echo "FATAL: Unable to make temporary directory: $TMP"
>         exit 1
>     }
>     export TMP
>     # To be invoked by tst_tmpdir()
>     # write to it as user nobody
>     export TMPDIR=$TMP
>     chmod 777 $TMP || \
>     {
>       echo "unable to chmod 777 $TMP ... aborting"
>       exit 1
>     }
> So you've got two possible situations:
>  (1) TMPBASE is an already existing directory. In this case, the "-m
>      777" argument in mkdir -m 777 -p $TMPBASE is useless because it is
>      only used by mkdir when the directory to be created doesn't exist
>      yet.
>  (2) TMPBASE is not an existing directory. In this case, readlink will
>      return an empty string, and mkdir will fail because TMPBASE is
>      empty.

Actually you may pass a path with last nonexisting component and the
readlink -f will still work fine. Hence if you pass -d /tmp/nonexistent/
it will create the nonexistent directory with the mkdir there.

But that does not change the fact that runltp is user unfriendly with
it's options...

Cyril Hrubis

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