[LTP] [PATCH] open_posix_testsuite/mmap24-2: Relax condition a bit

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Wed Oct 17 10:39:45 CEST 2018

> > Hmm, it's always complicated with these POSIX tests, since we have to
> > follow the POSIX specification there.
> >
> > And the POSIX clearly says that mmap() shall fail with ENOMEM if
> > MAP_FIXED was specified, and the range [addr,addr+len) exceeds that
> > allowed for the address space of a process. So I guess that the best
> > solution here would be limiting the address space with rlimit, so that
> > we actually happen to hit the ENOMEM instead of EINVAL.
> I just referred to follow commit which has similar issue.
>  ?????? [commit id: e7bab61882847]
>  ?????? syscalls/mmap15: relax condition a bit
>  ?????? High address is arch specific, and it also occasionally changes
>  ?????? as can be se?????????????????????????????????en in history of this test.
>  ?????? Relax the co?????????????????????????????????ndition and accept both ENOMEM and 
>  ?????? as expected outcome.
>  ?????? ?????????????????????????????????
>  ?????? Fixes: #390

The difference is that the mmap15 is a Linux specific test, we can
accept any behavior we think is reasonable.

> Mips returns EINVAL and never returns ENOMEM if [addr+len]
>  ??exceeds task size. I think it's has no relation with rlimit.

While the POSIX tests are written to test the conformity of the
implementation, we have to stick to POSIX there and actually it seems to
require that ENOMEM has to be returned if [addr,addr+len) exceeds that
allowed for the address space of a process, so I guess that mips is not
strictly conforming to POSIX here, however that is not a reason to
change the test. And in this case it's not a big deal and we can
possilby just ignore the failure in the same way we do for a few rwlock
tests where Linux behavior differs from the one mandated by POSIX.

Cyril Hrubis

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