[LTP] [PATCH 2/2] syscalls/statx05: Fix test on ppc64le

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Wed Sep 12 11:52:47 CEST 2018

> It's not easy to guess what role library plays, when only needs_device is
> used, but you set also dev_fs_type and mntpoint. If you dropped both,
> then all needed would be to MKDIR/RMDIR(mntpoint), correct?

I also use the tst_device->fs_type instead of doing #define FSTYPE

And in a case that some other filesystem gains encryption support we
will need a way how generate the mkfs options dynamically based on the
filesystem type anyway, so I suppose that the extra opts in tst_test
will end up being a callback that will generate the data just before we
do mkfs. However I wanted to make minimal amount of changes to fix the
test for now as we are approaching the release. I can redesign the mkfs
options later on.

> Anyway, ACK to both patches.

Both pushed, thanks.

Cyril Hrubis

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