[LTP] [PATCH v2] include/mk/env_post.mk: enable __ANDROID__ definition for Android build

Steve Muckle smuckle@google.com
Wed Apr 24 21:27:32 CEST 2019

On 4/24/19 9:55 AM, Zhengwang Ruan wrote:
> The definition of __ANDROID__ has been widely used to compile android-specific
> things (i.e. busybox [1] [2], dnsmasq [3]), so we expected NDK to automatically
> pass it to help build LTP for android, but unfortunately it didn't (it is tested
> with android-ndk-r19c). Currently, we have to manually specify -D__ANDROID__ in
> configure step before launch 'make ANDROID=1' command, and this is suffering for
> those who don't have good knowledge of LTP, so it is necessary to enable it if
> built for android.

Hi Zhengwang I mentioned in the other thread but just to get it here 
also, __ANDROID__ seems to be defined for me by the NDK. Could you try 
the steps Sandeep shared?


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