[LTP] [PATCH 1/5] syscalls/fanotify03: defined additional tcase members for added control

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Feb 26 14:31:56 CET 2019

> I see the problem.
> It is based on an older version of
> syscalls/fanotify03: add test for FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM permission events
> You removed support_perm_events on commit or maybe I sent another
> version based on your review - not sure.
> Attached the missing prerequisite patch.
> You may choose to drop support_perm_events again or add a test
> for kernel permission events support in setup(), but we do need to
> distinguish between support_exec_events (which comes in a later patch)
> and FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM support, as exec events may be backported
> to distro stable kernels and FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM is less likely to be
> backported.

Unfortunately that did the trick only for the first patch, the rest is
still broken :-(.

Cyril Hrubis

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