[LTP] [PATCH v3] syscalls/prctl02: add more error tests

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Fri Nov 8 15:24:34 CET 2019

> > Ok. I will do it as we usually do.
>  ??I think about it again. The argument of prctl is all unsigned long type. Do we need to use
> pointers to pointers??? Or, move this code to setup function like above?

Just pointer to unsigned long and do the cast in the test setup as:

static unsigned long bad_addr;

static struct tcase = {
	unsigned long *arg3;
} tcases[] = {
	{..., &bad_addr, ...},

static void setup(void)
	invalid_addr = (unigned long)tst_get_bad_addr();

Then call it as prctl(..., *tc->arg3).

Cyril Hrubis

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